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cmtzlib_f.c File Reference

Fortran API for input, output and manipulation of MTZ files. More...

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ccp4_fortran.h"
#include "ccp4_utils.h"
#include "cmtzlib.h"
#include "csymlib.h"
#include "ccp4_program.h"
#include "ccp4_general.h"


#define CMTZLIB_DEBUG(x)
#define MFILES   4
#define MAXSYM   192


void MtzMemTidy (void)
int MtzCheckSubInput (const int mindx, const char *subname, const int rwmode)
 FORTRAN_SUBR (MTZINI, mtzini,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LROPEN, lropen,(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *iprint, int *ifail, int filename_len),(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *iprint, int *ifail),(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *iprint, int *ifail))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRTITL, lrtitl,(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int *len, int ftitle_len),(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int *len),(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int ftitle_len, int *len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRHIST, lrhist,(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int *nlines, int hstrng_len),(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int *nlines),(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int hstrng_len, int *nlines))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRINFO, lrinfo,(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges, int versnx_len),(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges),(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int versnx_len, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRNCOL, lrncol,(int *mindx, int *ncolx),(int *mindx, int *ncolx),(int *mindx, int *ncolx))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRNREF, lrnref,(int *mindx, int *nreflx),(int *mindx, int *nreflx),(int *mindx, int *nreflx))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRSORT, lrsort,(int *mindx, int sortx[5]),(int *mindx, int sortx[5]),(int *mindx, int sortx[5]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBATS, lrbats,(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[]),(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[]),(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRCLAB, lrclab,(int *mindx, fpstr clabs, fpstr ctyps, int *ncol, int clabs_len, int ctyps_len),(int *mindx, fpstr clabs, fpstr ctyps, int *ncol),(int *mindx, fpstr clabs, int clabs_len, fpstr ctyps, int ctyps_len, int *ncol))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRCLID, lrclid,(int *mindx, int csetid[], int *ncol),(int *mindx, int csetid[], int *ncol),(int *mindx, int csetid[], int *ncol))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRCELL, lrcell,(int *mindx, float cell[]),(int *mindx, float cell[]),(int *mindx, float cell[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRRSOL, lrrsol,(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres),(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres),(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRSYMI, lrsymi,(int *mindx, int *nsympx, fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx, int ltypex_len, int spgrnx_len, int pgnamx_len),(int *mindx, int *nsympx, fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx),(int *mindx, int *nsympx, fpstr ltypex, int ltypex_len, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, int spgrnx_len, fpstr pgnamx, int pgnamx_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRSYMM, lrsymm,(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4]),(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4]),(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LKYIN, lkyin,(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[], int lsprgi_len, int labin_line_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]),(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, int lsprgi_len, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, int labin_line_len, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LKYOUT, lkyout,(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[], int lsprgo_len, int labin_line_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]),(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgo, int lsprgo_len, const int *nlprgo, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, int labin_line_len, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LKYSET, lkyset,(const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, fpstr lsusrj, int kpoint[], const int *itok, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[], int lsprgi_len, int lsusrj_len, int labin_line_len),(const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, fpstr lsusrj, int kpoint[], const int *itok, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]),(const fpstr lsprgi, int lsprgi_len, const int *nlprgi, fpstr lsusrj, int lsusrj_len, int kpoint[], const int *itok, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, int labin_line_len, const int ibeg[], const int iend[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRASSN, lrassn,(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi, int lsprgi_len, int ctprgi_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi),(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int lsprgi_len, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi, int ctprgi_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRIDX, lridx,(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr crystal_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets, int project_name_len, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr crystal_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRCELX, lrcelx,(const int *mindx, const int *iset, float *mtzcell),(const int *mindx, const int *iset, float *mtzcell),(const int *mindx, const int *iset, float *mtzcell))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRIDC, lridc,(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRID, lrid,(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, int *ndatasets, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, int *ndatasets),(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, int *isets, int *ndatasets))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRSEEK, lrseek,(const int *mindx, int *nrefl),(const int *mindx, int *nrefl),(const int *mindx, int *nrefl))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRREFL, lrrefl,(const int *mindx, float *resol, float adata[], ftn_logical *eof),(const int *mindx, float *resol, float adata[], ftn_logical *eof),(const int *mindx, float *resol, float adata[], ftn_logical *eof))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRREFM, lrrefm,(const int *mindx, ftn_logical logmiss[]),(const int *mindx, ftn_logical logmiss[]),(const int *mindx, ftn_logical logmiss[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (MTZ_CHECK_FOR_MNF, mtz_check_for_mnf,(const int *mindx, const int *ndata, float adata[], ftn_logical logmiss[]),(const int *mindx, const int *ndata, float adata[], ftn_logical logmiss[]),(const int *mindx, const int *ndata, float adata[], ftn_logical logmiss[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LHPRT, lhprt,(const int *mindx, const int *iprint),(const int *mindx, const int *iprint),(const int *mindx, const int *iprint))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBAT, lrbat,(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, const int *iprint, int cbatch_len),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, const int *iprint),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len, const int *iprint))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LBPRT, lbprt,(const int *ibatch, const int *iprint, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len),(const int *ibatch, const int *iprint, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch),(const int *ibatch, const int *iprint, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBRES, lrbres,(const int *mindx, const int *batno),(const int *mindx, const int *batno),(const int *mindx, const int *batno))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBTIT, lrbtit,(const int *mindx, const int *batno, fpstr tbatch, const int *iprint, int tbatch_len),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, fpstr tbatch, const int *iprint),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, fpstr tbatch, int tbatch_len, const int *iprint))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBSCL, lrbscl,(const int *mindx, const int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRBSETID, lrbsetid,(const int *mindx, const int *batno, int *bsetid),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, int *bsetid),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, int *bsetid))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRREWD, lrrewd,(const int *mindx),(const int *mindx),(const int *mindx))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LSTRSL, lstrsl,(const int *mindx, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, const float *alpha, const float *beta, const float *gamma),(const int *mindx, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, const float *alpha, const float *beta, const float *gamma),(const int *mindx, const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, const float *alpha, const float *beta, const float *gamma))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LSTLSQ1, lstlsq1,(float *reso, const int *mindx, const int *ih, const int *ik, const int *il),(float *reso, const int *mindx, const int *ih, const int *ik, const int *il),(float *reso, const int *mindx, const int *ih, const int *ik, const int *il))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWOPEN_NOEXIT, lwopen_noexit,(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *ifail, int filename_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *ifail),(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *ifail))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWOPEN, lwopen,(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr filename),(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWTITL, lwtitl,(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, const int *flag, int ftitle_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, const int *flag),(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, int ftitle_len, const int *flag))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWSORT, lwsort,(const int *mindx, int sortx[5]),(const int *mindx, int sortx[5]),(const int *mindx, int sortx[5]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWHSTL, lwhstl,(int *mindx, const fpstr hstrng, int hstrng_len),(int *mindx, const fpstr hstrng),(int *mindx, const fpstr hstrng, int hstrng_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWID, lwid,(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWIDC, lwidc,(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, float datcell[6], float *datwave))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWIDX, lwidx,(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave, int project_name_len, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave),(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, float datcell[6], float *datwave))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWCELL, lwcell,(const int *mindx, float cell[6]),(const int *mindx, float cell[6]),(const int *mindx, float cell[6]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWIDAS, lwidas,(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd, int pname_len, int dname_len),(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd),(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, int pname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len, int *iappnd))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWIDASX, lwidasx,(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd, int xname_len, int dname_len),(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd),(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, int xname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len, int *iappnd))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWIDALL, lwidall,(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int xname_len, int dname_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, fpstr dname),(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, int xname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWSYMM, lwsymm,(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx, int ltypex_len, int spgrnx_len, int pgnamx_len),(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx),(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int ltypex_len, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, int spgrnx_len, fpstr pgnamx, int pgnamx_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWASSN, lwassn,(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int *iappnd, int lsprgo_len, int ctprgo_len),(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int *iappnd),(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, int lsprgo_len, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int ctprgo_len, int *iappnd))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWBAT, lwbat,(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWBTIT, lwbtit,(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch, int tbatch_len),(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch),(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch, int tbatch_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWBSCL, lwbscl,(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc),(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWBSETID, lwbsetid,(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWBSETIDX, lwbsetidx,(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name),(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (EQUAL_MAGIC, equal_magic,(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol),(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol),(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (SET_MAGIC, set_magic,(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval),(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval),(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (RESET_MAGIC, reset_magic,(const int *mindx, const float adata[], float bdata[], const int *ncol, const float *val_magica, const float *val_magicb),(const int *mindx, const float adata[], float bdata[], const int *ncol, const float *val_magica, const float *val_magicb),(const int *mindx, const float adata[], float bdata[], const int *ncol, const float *val_magica, const float *val_magicb))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWREFL_NOEXIT, lwrefl_noexit,(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail),(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail),(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWREFL, lwrefl,(const int *mindx, const float adata[]),(const int *mindx, const float adata[]),(const int *mindx, const float adata[]))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWCLOS_NOEXIT, lwclos_noexit,(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail),(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail),(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LWCLOS, lwclos,(const int *mindx, int *iprint),(const int *mindx, int *iprint),(const int *mindx, int *iprint))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (RBATHD, rbathd,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (WBATHD, wbathd,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (LRHDRL, lrhdrl,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (SORTUP, sortup,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (ADDLIN, addlin,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_FUN (int, NEXTLN, nextln,(),(),())
 FORTRAN_SUBR (IS_MAGIC, is_magic,(const float *val_magic, const float *valtst, ftn_logical *lvalms),(const float *val_magic, const float *valtst, ftn_logical *lvalms),(const float *val_magic, const float *valtst, ftn_logical *lvalms))

Detailed Description

Fortran API for input, output and manipulation of MTZ files.

Martyn Winn

Function Documentation

lwclos   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint)   

Write MTZ file header and close output file. Wrapper for MtzPut.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
iprint  (I) Specify whether to write output file header to log.

lwclos_noexit   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *iprint, int *ifail)   

Write MTZ file header and close output file. Wrapper for MtzPut.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
iprint  (I) Specify whether to write output file header to log.
ifail  (O) Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.

lwrefl   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[])   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[])   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[])   

Write a one array of reflection data to output file. This is a wrapper for ccp4_lwrefl. This routine exits upon failure.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
adata  (I) Array of reflection data to write.

lwrefl_noexit   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail)   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail)   ,
(const int *mindx, const float adata[], int *ifail)   

Write a one array of reflection data to output file. This is a wrapper for ccp4_lwrefl.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
adata  (I) Array of reflection data to write.
ifail  (O) Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.

set_magic   ,
(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval)   ,
(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval)   ,
(const int *mindx, float *val_magic, ftn_logical *setval)   

Set or get MNF of file.

mindx  MTZ file index
val_magic  Value of MNF
setval  If true, set the MNF with the value in val_magic. If false, return value of MNF in val_magic. Returned as true, unless there is an error.

equal_magic   ,
(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol)   ,
(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol)   ,
(const int *mindx, float adata[], const int *ncol)   

Set whole array to MNF. The value of the MNF is taken from the MTZ struct on unit mindx.

mindx  MTZ file index
adata  Array of reflection data to be initialised.
ncol  Number of columns in the array to be initialised.

lwbsetidx   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name)   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len)   

Assign a batch to a particular dataset, identified by crystal name and dataset name.

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  Serial number of batch.
crystal_name  Crystal Name
dataset_name  Dataset Name

lwbsetid   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name)   ,
(const int *mindx, const int *batno, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len)   

Obsolete. Use LWBSETIDX

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  Serial number of batch.
project_name  Project Name
dataset_name  Dataset Name

lwbscl   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float batscl[], int *nbatsc)   

Write batch header for batch number batno. New batch scales are set. batno must correspond to pre-existing batch.

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  Serial number of batch.
batscl  Array of batch scales.
nbatsc  Number of batch scales.

lwbtit   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch, int tbatch_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, fpstr tbatch, int tbatch_len)   

Write batch header for batch number batno. Only the batch title is provided, so dummy header is written.

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  Serial number of batch.
tbatch  Batch title.

lwbat   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len)   

Write batch header for batch number batno.

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  Serial number of batch.
rbatch  Real/integer batch information.
cbatch  Character batch information.

lwassn   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int *iappnd, int lsprgo_len, int ctprgo_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int *iappnd)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgo, int lsprgo_len, const int *nlprgo, fpstr ctprgo, int ctprgo_len, int *iappnd)   

Fortran wrapper to assign columns of output MTZ file. First this updates labels from user_label_out if set by lkyout, then sets collookup_out array of pointers to columns.

mindx  MTZ file index.
lsprgo  array of output labels
nlprgo  number of output labels
ctprgo  array of output column types
iappnd  if = 0 replace all existing columns, else if = 1 "append" to existing columns. Note that columns are appended to the relevant datasets and are not therefore necessarily at the end of the list of columns.

lwsymm   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx, int ltypex_len, int spgrnx_len, int pgnamx_len)   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, fpstr pgnamx)   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, int *nsympx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4], fpstr ltypex, int ltypex_len, int *nspgrx, fpstr spgrnx, int spgrnx_len, fpstr pgnamx, int pgnamx_len)   

Write or update symmetry information for MTZ header.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index.
nsymx  (I) number of symmetry operators
nsympx  (I) number of primitive symmetry operators
rsymx  (I) Array of symmetry operators as 4 x 4 matrices. Each matrix is input with translations in elements [3][*] (i.e. reversed with respect to the way the Fortran application sees it). This function reverses the order before passing to ccp4_lwsymm.
ltypex  (I) lattice type
nspgrx  (I) spacegroup number
spgrnx  (I) spacegroup name
pgnamx  (I) point group name

lwidall   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int xname_len, int dname_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, fpstr dname)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr xname, int xname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len)   

Assign output columns to crystal/datasets. This is a simpler version of LWIDASX to assign all columns to one dataset (except for HKL which are assigned to base dataset).

mindx  MTZ file index.
xname  Crystal name for all columns.
dname  Dataset name for all columns.

lwidasx   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd, int xname_len, int dname_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr xname, int xname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len, int *iappnd)   

Assign output columns to crystal/datasets.

mindx  MTZ file index.
nlprgo  Number of output columns.
xname  Array of crystal names for columns.
dname  Array of dataset names for columns.
iappnd  If 0 then assign all columns, if 1 then assign appended columns.

lwidas   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd, int pname_len, int dname_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, fpstr dname, int *iappnd)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *nlprgo, fpstr pname, int pname_len, fpstr dname, int dname_len, int *iappnd)   

Obsolete - use LWIDASX.

mindx  MTZ file index.
nlprgo  Number of output columns.
pname  Array of project names.
dname  Array of dataset names.
iappnd  If 0 then assign all columns, if 1 then assign appended columns.

lwcell   ,
(const int *mindx, float cell[6])   ,
(const int *mindx, float cell[6])   ,
(const int *mindx, float cell[6])   

Fortran wrapper to update cell of output MTZ file. Overall cell is obsolete - we only store crystal cell dimensions. Therefore this simply writes the cell dimensions for any crystal which has not yet been set. Crystal cell dimensions should be set directly with lwidc.

mindx  MTZ file index.
cell  Output cell dimensions.

lwidx   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave, int project_name_len, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr crystal_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, float datcell[6], float *datwave)   

Fortran wrapper to ccp4_lwidx for writing dataset header information.

mindx  MTZ file index.
project_name  Name of project that parent crystal belongs to.
crystal_name  Name of parent crystal.
dataset_name  Name of dataset.
datcell  Cell dimensions of parent crystal.
datwave  Wavelength of dataset.

lwidc   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, float datcell[6], float *datwave)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, float datcell[6], float *datwave)   

Fortran wrapper to ccp4_lwidx for writing dataset header information. As for LWIDX except crystal name is not provided, and defaults to supplied project name. This exists for backwards-compatibility - use LWIDX instead.

mindx  MTZ file index.
project_name  Name of project that parent crystal belongs to.
dataset_name  Name of dataset.
datcell  Cell dimensions of parent crystal.
datwave  Wavelength of dataset.

lwid   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name, int project_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, const fpstr dataset_name)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, const fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len)   

Fortran wrapper to ccp4_lwidx for writing dataset header information. As for LWIDX except crystal name is not provided, and defaults to supplied project name. Also cell and wavelength are not provided and default to zero. This exists for backwards-compatibility - use LWIDX instead.

mindx  MTZ file index.
project_name  Name of project that parent crystal belongs to.
dataset_name  Name of dataset.

lwsort   ,
(const int *mindx, int sortx[5])   ,
(const int *mindx, int sortx[5])   ,
(const int *mindx, int sortx[5])   

Set sort order for output file. The integer array is stored as static. Try to set sort order now, but may not be possible if LWCLAB/LWASSN not yet called.

mindx  MTZ file index.
sortx  Sort order as integer array.

lwtitl   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, const int *flag, int ftitle_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, const int *flag)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr ftitle, int ftitle_len, const int *flag)   

Set title for output file.

mindx  MTZ file index.
ftitle  Title to be added to output MTZ file.
flag  =0 replace old title with new one, or =1 append new one to old, with one space

lwopen   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len)   

Fortran wrapper to open output MTZ file. In fact, if reflection data is being held in memory, defer opening until MtzPut call. But if reflections are written immediately to file, need to open now.

mindx  MTZ file index.
filename  Output file name.

lwopen_noexit   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *ifail, int filename_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *ifail)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *ifail)   

Fortran wrapper to open output MTZ file. In fact, if reflection data is being held in memory, defer opening until MtzPut call. But if reflections are written immediately to file, need to open now.

mindx  MTZ file index.
filename  Output file name.
ifail  (O) Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.

lrbat   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, const int *iprint, int cbatch_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, const int *iprint)   ,
(const int *mindx, int *batno, float rbatch[], fpstr cbatch, int cbatch_len, const int *iprint)   

Fortran wrapper for ccp4_lrbat. Returns the header info for the next batch from the multi-record MTZ file open on index MINDX, as the two arrays RBATCH (for numbers) and CBATCH (for characters).

mindx  MTZ file index
batno  On return, batch number
rbatch  On return, real and integer batch data.
cbatch  On return, character batch data (title and axes names).
iprint  =0 no printing, =1 print title only, >1 print full header.

lridx   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr crystal_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets, int project_name_len, int crystal_name_len, int dataset_name_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, fpstr crystal_name, fpstr dataset_name, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr project_name, int project_name_len, fpstr crystal_name, int crystal_name_len, fpstr dataset_name, int dataset_name_len, int *isets, float *datcell, float *datwave, int *ndatasets)   

Fortran wrapper for ccp4_lridx. Return dataset information. Note requirement to input how much memory allocated in calling routine.

mindx  MTZ file index
ndatasets  On input: space reserved for dataset information. On output: number of datasets found.

lrassn   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi, int lsprgi_len, int ctprgi_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi)   ,
(const int *mindx, fpstr lsprgi, int lsprgi_len, int *nlprgi, int lookup[], fpstr ctprgi, int ctprgi_len)   

Fortran wrapper to ccp4_lrassn. First this updates labels from user_label_in if set by lkyin, then sets collookup array of pointers to columns.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index.
lsprgi  (I) Array of program column labels. These are the column labels used by the program, as opposed to the column labels in the file.
nlprgi  (I) Number of input program labels.
lookup  (I/O) On input, indicates whether a column is compulsory or not (-1 = hard compulsory - program will fail if column not found, 1 = soft compulsory - program will attempt to find column even if not assigned on LABIN, 0 = optional). On output, gives the index of the column in the input file.
ctprgi  (I) Array of column types.

lkyin   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[], int lsprgi_len, int labin_line_len)   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, const int ibeg[], const int iend[])   ,
(const int *mindx, const fpstr lsprgi, int lsprgi_len, const int *nlprgi, const int *ntok, const fpstr labin_line, int labin_line_len, const int ibeg[], const int iend[])   

Fortran wrapper to MtzParseLabin. This matches tokens from the LABIN line against the program labels supplied by the program.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index.
lsprgi  (I) Array of program column labels. These are the column labels used by the program, as opposed to the column labels in the file.
nlprgi  (I) Number of input program labels.
ntok  (I) From Parser: number of tokens on line
labin_line  (I) From Parser: input line
ibeg  (I) From Parser: array of starting delimiters for each token
iend  (I) From Parser: array of ending delimiters for each token

lrsymm   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4])   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4])   ,
(int *mindx, int *nsymx, float rsymx[MAXSYM][4][4])   

Get symmetry matrices from MTZ structure.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index.
nsymx  (O) Number of symmetry operators held in MTZ header.
rsymx  (O) Symmetry operators as 4 x 4 matrices, in the order they are held in the MTZ header. Each matrix has translations in elements [3][*]. Note that a Fortran application will reverse the order of indices.

lrrsol   ,
(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres)   ,
(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres)   ,
(int *mindx, float *minres, float *maxres)   

Return the overall resolution limits of the MTZ structure. These are the widest limits over all crystals present.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
minres  (O) minimum resolution
maxres  (O) maximum resolution

lrcell   ,
(int *mindx, float cell[])   ,
(int *mindx, float cell[])   ,
(int *mindx, float cell[])   

Return the nominal cell dimensions of the MTZ structure. In fact, these are the cell dimensions of the 1st crystal in the MTZ structure. It is better to use the cell dimensions of the correct crystal, as obtained from LRIDX.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
cell  (O) Cell dimensions.

lrbats   ,
(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[])   ,
(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[])   ,
(int *mindx, int *nbatx, int batchx[])   

Fortran wrapper for ccp4_lrbats. May be called for non-multirecord file, just to check there are no batches.

mindx  MTZ file index
nbatx  Number of batches found.
batchx  Array of batch numbers.

lrnref   ,
(int *mindx, int *nreflx)   ,
(int *mindx, int *nreflx)   ,
(int *mindx, int *nreflx)   

Returns the current reflection number from an MTZ file opened for read. Files are normally read sequentially, the number returned is the number of the *NEXT* reflection record to be read. If you are going to jump about the file with LRSEEK then use this to record the current position before you start, so that it can be restored afterwards, if required.

mindx  MTZ file index
nreflx  the reflection record number of the next reflection to be read

lrncol   ,
(int *mindx, int *ncolx)   ,
(int *mindx, int *ncolx)   ,
(int *mindx, int *ncolx)   

Fortran wrapper to function returning number of columns read in from input file.

mindx  MTZ file index
ncolx  Number of columns.

lrinfo   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges, int versnx_len)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr versnx, int versnx_len, int *ncolx, int *nreflx, float *ranges)   

Fortran wrapper to functions returning number of reflections, columns and ranges. In fact, it returns current values on MINDX rather than those of the input file.

mindx  MTZ file index
versnx  (O) MTZ version. This is the version of the current library rather than that of the input file. If these differ, a warning will have been issued by LROPEN/MtzGet.
ncolx  Number of columns.
nreflx  Number of reflections.
ranges  Array of column ranges.

lrhist   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int *nlines, int hstrng_len)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int *nlines)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr hstrng, int hstrng_len, int *nlines)   

Get history lines from MTZ file opened for read.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
hstrng  (O) Array of history lines.
nlines  (I/O) On input, dimension of hstrng, i.e. the maximum number of history lines to be returned. On output, actual number of history lines returned.

lrtitl   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int *len, int ftitle_len)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int *len)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr ftitle, int ftitle_len, int *len)   

Get title from MTZ file opened for read.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
ftitle  (O) Title.
len  (O) Length of returned title.

lropen   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *iprint, int *ifail, int filename_len)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int *iprint, int *ifail)   ,
(int *mindx, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *iprint, int *ifail)   

Open an MTZ file for reading. This is a wrapper to MtzGet.

mindx  (I) MTZ file index
filename  (I) Filename to open (real or logical)
iprint  (I) Specifies how much header information to print out.
ifail  (O) Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.

mtzini   ,
()   ,
()   ,

Mainly for backwards compatibility. The only thing it does now is initialise the html/summary stuff, which is usually done by CCPFYP anyway.