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ccp4_diskio_f.c File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include "ccp4_utils.h"
#include "ccp4_errno.h"
#include "ccp4_fortran.h"
#include "ccp4_file_err.h"


struct  _CCP4IObj


typedef _CCP4IObj CCP4IObj




int _get_channel ()
CCP4IObj_iobj_init ()
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QOPEN, qopen,(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, fpstr atbuta, int lognam_len, int atbuta_len),(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, fpstr atbuta),(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, int lognam_len, fpstr atbuta, int atbuta_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QQOPEN, qqopen,(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, const int *istat, int lognam_len),(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, const int *istat),(int *iunit, fpstr lognam, int lognam_len, const int *istat))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (COPEN, copen,(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int *istat, int filename_len),(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int *istat),(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *istat))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QRARCH, qrarch,(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt),(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt),(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QWARCH, qwarch,(int *iunit, int *ipos),(int *iunit, int *ipos),(int *iunit, int *ipos))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QCLOSE, qclose,(int *iunit),(int *iunit),(int *iunit))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QMODE, qmode,(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size),(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size),(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QREAD, qread,(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result),(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result),(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QREADC, qreadc,(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int *result, int buffer_len),(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int *result),(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int buffer_len, int *result))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QWRITE, qwrite,(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems),(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems),(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QWRITC, qwritc,(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int buffer_len),(int *iunit, fpstr buffer),(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int buffer_len))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QSEEK, qseek,(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl),(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl),(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QBACK, qback,(int *iunit, int *lrecl),(int *iunit, int *lrecl),(int *iunit, int *lrecl))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QQINQ, qqinq,(int *istrm, fpstr logname, fpstr filename, int *length, int logname_len, int filename_len),(int *istrm, fpstr logname, fpstr filename, int *length),(int *istrm, fpstr logname, int logname_len, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *length))
 FORTRAN_SUBR (QLOCATE, qlocate,(int *iunit, int *locate),(int *iunit, int *locate),(int *iunit, int *locate))

Detailed Description

FORTRAN API for file i/o. Charles Ballard and Martyn Winn

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _CCP4IObj CCP4IObj

_ioChannels: structure to hold files

Function Documentation

qlocate   ,
(int *iunit, int *locate)   ,
(int *iunit, int *locate)   ,
(int *iunit, int *locate)   

qlocate: @iunit: @locate:

Returns the current position \meta{locate} in the diskio stream @iunit.

qqinq   ,
(int *istrm, fpstr logname, fpstr filename, int *length, int logname_len, int filename_len)   ,
(int *istrm, fpstr logname, fpstr filename, int *length)   ,
(int *istrm, fpstr logname, int logname_len, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *length)   

qqinq: @istrm: @filnam: @length:

Returns the name @filnam and @length of the file (if any) open on diskio stream @istrm.

qback   ,
(int *iunit, int *lrecl)   ,
(int *iunit, int *lrecl)   ,
(int *iunit, int *lrecl)   

qback: @iunit: @lrecl:

Backspaces one record, of length @lrecl on diskio stream @iunit.

qseek   ,
(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl)   ,
(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl)   ,
(int *iunit, int *irec, int *iel, int *lrecl)   

qseek: @iunit: @irec: @iel: @lrecl:

Seeks to element @iel in record @irec in diskio stream @iunit whose record length is @lrecl.

qwrite   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems)   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems)   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems)   

qwrite: @iunit: @buffer: @meta:

This write @nitems items from @buffer to qopen() stream \meta{iunit} using the current mode.

qreadc   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int *result, int buffer_len)   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int *result)   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr buffer, int buffer_len, int *result)   

qreadc:: @iunit: @buffer: @result:

Fills CHARACTER buffer in byte mode from diskio stream @iunit previously opened by qopen() and returns

which is 0 on success or -1 on EOF. It aborts on an i/o failure. Call it with a character substring if necessary to control the number of bytes read.

qread   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result)   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result)   ,
(int *iunit, uint8 *buffer, int *nitems, int *result)   

qread: @iunit: io channel @buffer: @nitems: number of items @result: return value

Reads @nitems in the current mode qmode() from diskio stream @iunit previously opened by qopen() and returns

which is %0 on success or %-1 at EOF. It aborts on an i/o error. Numbers written in a foreign format will be translated if necessary if the stream is connected to an MTZ or map file.

qmode   ,
(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size)   ,
(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size)   ,
(int *iunit, int *mode, int *size)   

qmode: @iunit: io channel @mode: access mode @size: item size

Changes the diskio access mode for stream @iunit to @mode. The resulting size in bytes of items for transfer is returned as @size

qclose   ,
(int *iunit)   ,
(int *iunit)   ,
(int *iunit)   

qclose: @iunit: io channel

Closes the file open on diskio stream iunit

qwarch   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos)   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos)   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos)   

qwarch @iunit: io channel @ipos: position

This is the complement of qrarch, writing the native machine architecture information machine stamp to diskio stream iunit at word ipos. Currently called from mtzlib and maplib.

The machine stamp in mtstring is four nibbles in order, indicating complex and real format (must both be the same), integer format and character format (currently irrelevant). The last two bytes of mtstring are currently unused and always zero.

N.B.: leaves the stream positioned just after the machine stamp.

qrarch   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt)   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt)   ,
(int *iunit, int *ipos, int *ireslt)   

qrarch: @iunit: iochannel @ipos: position in file @ireslt: return value

For binary files with a well-determined structure in terms of [[float]]s and [[int]]s we may want to set up the connected stream to do transparent reading of files written on a machine with a different architecture. This is currently the case for map files and MTZ files and this routine is called from mtzlib and maplib.

qrarch reads the machine stamp at word ipos for the diskio file on stream iunit and sets up the appropriate bit-twiddling for subsequent qreads on that stream. The information read from the file is returned in \meta{ireslt} in the form fileFT+16fileIT. If the stamp is zero (as it would be for files written with a previous version of the library) we assume the file is in native format and needs no conversion in qread; in this case ireslt will be zero and the caller can issue a warning. Iconvert and Fconvert are used by qread to determine the type of conversion (if any) to be applied to integers and reals.

Fudge:fudge Ian Tickle reports old VAX files which have a machine stamp which is byte-flipped from the correct VAX value,although it should always have been zero as far as I can see. To accommodate this, set the logical NATIVEMTZ and the machine stamp won't be read for any input files for which qrarch is called.

Extra feature: logical/environment variable CONVERT_FROM may be set to one of BEIEEE, LEIEEE, VAX or CONVEXNATIVE to avoid reading the machine stamp and assume the file is from the stipulated archictecture for all input MTZ and map files for which qrarch is called.

N.B.: leaves the stream positioned just after the machine stamp.

copen   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int *istat, int filename_len)   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int *istat)   ,
(int *iunit, fpstr filename, int filename_len, int *istat)   

Opens filename on io stream iunit. istat corresponds to the open mode.

iunit  iochannel number
filename  fortran character array giving filename
istat  file mode