TFFC (CCP4: Supported Program)


tffc - Translation Function Fourier Coefficients


tffc hklin foo_in.mtz hklout foo_out.mtz
[Keyworded input]


TFFC is a full-symmetry Translation Function program based on the Harada, Lifchitz, Berthou and Jolles formulation of the Crowther and Blow T2 function, and it can also be used to calculate the TO/O function of Harada et al. TFFC uses structure factor information (amplitudes and phases) from all molecules in the unit cell whose positions have already been determined by previous runs of the program, or are about to be determined in the current run, and not merely pairs of molecules, as does the C & B T1 function.

Amplitude-only information from all molecules of known orientation in the unit cell, including any not related by crystallographic symmetry (whose positions are consequently unknown), is however used in the Fobs/Fcalc scaling, in the calculation of normalised structure factor amplitudes, and optionally in the subtraction of the transform of the intramolecular vector set.

The conventional crystallographic T2 function is in general the 3-dimensional sum function of the pairwise 2-dimensional T1 functions; however in polar space groups the crystallographic T2 function is also 2-dimensional. It is especially advantageous in high-symmetry space groups, where the smaller signal/noise ratio of the peaks in the T1 functions may cause difficulties.

TFFC works for all space-group symmetries containing only rotation and screw axes, and non-primitive lattice elements, provided the conventional settings in International Tables Vol. A are used (R3 must be indexed on hexagonal axes).

The partial T2 function (also called non-crystallographic, meaning obtained using structure factors from a partially known structure, which may or may not be related by non-crystallographic symmetry to the remaining unknown part) is also the 3-dimensional sum function of the pairwise partial T1 functions; however the partial T1 and T2 functions are always 3-dimensional. The program can also be used to calculate the individual T1 functions, but a satisfactory automatic method for analysing these functions has yet to be devised, and so they have to be analysed manually (hopefully this should never be necessary!).

The T2 Translation Function can be used to resolve a space group ambiguity, for example, I222/I212121 or P3121/P3221, where the systematic absence conditions do not distinguish the pairs, or for example P21212/P212121 where the identification of systematic absences is not always clear-cut.

Three important features which further improve the signal/noise ratio of the T2 function are the shell-scaling of the F(obs) and F(calc) values by the difference Wilson method, the use of normalised amplitudes (E values), and the subtraction of the transform of the intramolecular vector set from the transform of the Patterson function of the target structure.

The program works by calculating the Fourier coefficients of the Translation Function from the transform of the intermolecular vector set, and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) program is used to effect the transformation into real space. This method is about 3 orders of magnitude faster than a real space search, and the speed is also much less dependent on the fineness of the grid search.


It is assumed that the Rotation Function (e.g. program AMORE) has been used to get an accurate orientation (within 2.5 deg at 3 Angstrom resolution) of the model structure (preferably with thermal parameters) to the maximum resolution of the data available. All structure factors to this resolution for one asymmetric unit in space group P1 in the cell of the target structure are required (program SFALL). Then the calculated structure factors are combined with the observed amplitudes (program CAD); for each hkl there will be one Fobs with sigma(Fobs) and a number (equal to the number of asymmetric units in the primitive unit cell of the unknown structure) of Fcalc values with PHIcalc.

IMPORTANT: The unit cell specified in SFALL must be the experimentally determined cell of the crystal whose structure is being determined, not some arbitrarily chosen cell as in the Rotation Function. This is because the aim is to match the inter-molecular vectors (not the intra-molecular ones). This is clearly not possible if the cells of the unknown and model structures are different.

If there is more than one molecule per asymmetric unit then the above procedure must be repeated for each molecule, using column labels of the form FCA1 PCA1 FCA2 PCA2 ... for the first molecule, FCB1 PCB1 FCB2 PCB2 ... for the second and so on. The files must then be column-merged into a single input reflection file (using CAD this operation can be done in a single run).

The output of TFFC is used as input to the P1 version of FFT. The program outputs two sets of Fourier coefficients; for the TO/O function two FFTs are necessary, using labels A and B for the TO function and AO and BO for the O function. It is not necessary to print any maps; instead specify binary map output in FFT and use the program MAPSIG to perform the division TO/O and analyse the results. For the T2 function only the labels A and B are used, only one FFT is done, but MAPSIG can still be used.

When computing the TO and O functions, the F000 terms must be entered manually into the FFT program; the required values are given at the end of the TFFC printer output (the two values are for the TO and O functions respectively). The volume V must also be given, but this acts only as an arbitrary scale, and any value (typically around 1000) which gives sensible magnitudes in the Translation Function map can be used.

Note that the reflection indices produced by TFFC are not the same as those read from the input reflection file. Consequently the S values calculated for these reflections are meaningless, and therefore it is important not to apply any resolution cutoffs in FFT. If resolution cutoffs are desired they must be applied by TFFC to the original indices.


Data are introduced by the following keywords:

Only the first 4 characters of each keyword are significant. All keywords are optional, though normally one would specify LABIN to use other than the default file labels.

The keywords SPACEGROUP and SYMMETRY are mutually exclusive; one or the other is only required if the space group information in the reflection file header is incorrect. This may happen because the systematic absences do not unambiguously define the space group; the point group information defined by the rotation components of the symmetry matrices however must be correct. It is not then necessary to re-run SFALL & CAD, it is only necessary to specify the correct symmetry with either SPACEGROUP or SYMMETRY.


The SPACEGROUP option can only be used if:
  1. Phase shifts due to any screw-axis translations have not already been applied, and
  2. The primitive General Equivalent Positions in symop.lib are in exactly the same order as those used when the input reflection file was prepared.

If the space group has screw-axis translations (ignoring non-primitive lattice translations), and an earlier program used the translation components to apply phase shifts, the SPACEGROUP option cannot be used. The SYMMETRY option must be used and the screw-axis translations then omitted.

The SYMMETRY option must also be used if the primitive General Equivalent Positions in symop.lib are in a different order from those originally specified. This can happen either because for some space groups different editions of International Tables have the equivalent positions in a different order, or because for some space groups with the same point group, the order of the rotation components may vary. When the SYMMETRY option is used, the order of equivalent positions must be identical with that used when the input file was prepared.

No problems should occur using the SPACEGROUP option if

  1. the current versions of the SFALL and CAD programs have been used, and
  2. the current version of symop.lib has been used consistently.


TITLE [String]

Title (default is to use reflection file title).

SPACEGROUP [String or Integer]

Name (as in symop.lib) or number in International Tables.

POINTGROUP [String or Integer]

Name (optionally beginning with pg). This must be one of the following :

   1    2  222    3  312  321    4  422    6  622   23  432

The number of primitive g.e.p.'s to follow must be then :

   1    2    4    3    6    6    4    8    6   12   12   24

The default is to use the point group implied by the space group. The space/point group may be 1 (one equivalent position) only if the PART option is specified.


Primitive general equivalent position(s) in same format as International Tables, with one or more per line, separated by * and/or repeating keyword where necessary. In whatever way the g.e.p.'s are set up (SPACEGROUP or SYMMETRY), they must exactly correspond in order to those used to generate the input reflection file.

NONCRYST [Integer]

Number of non-crystallographic subunits per crystallographic asymmetric unit; must be between 0 and 8 inclusive. The default is one molecule per asymmetric unit; this is also implied by values of 0 or 1.


Intramolecular vector contributions are included. This is required for the TO/O function. The T2 function is the default (intramolecular vector set subtracted).

SHELL [Integer]

Approximate number of reflections per shell to divide data for scaling (default = 100). This value will be reset if the number of shells is more than 200. The program will stop with an error message if any shell is empty; the number of reflections per shell should then be increased.


Resolution limits (d-spacings in Angstrom) to be applied (either way round); the default is 20 0 and these values are recommended for the initial run.

LIST [Integer]

Number of reflections to list (default = 0). This is only useful for debugging.

VECTOR [String] [Real(3)]

In the case of non-crystallographic symmetry, this is specified for each subunit (A, B, C ... H) whose fractional translation vector (Tx, Ty, Tz) has been determined by a previous run of TFFC, or otherwise.

FIND [String]

In the case of non-crystallographic symmetry, this is specified for the subunit (A, B, C ... H) whose translation is to be determined in this run. There may be only one FIND, but it may be omitted if all but one subunit translations have been defined using VECTOR.


This sets up the calculation of the partial (non-crystallographic) Translation Function (previously done by program TFPART). The default is to calculate the crystallographic Translation Function (previously program TFSGEN).

With this option NONCRYSTVECTOR. For example if NONCRYST is given as 4, then 3 runs of the program would be required:

Run 1 :  VECTOR  A  Ax Ay Az
         FIND    B

Run 2 :  VECTOR  A  Ax Ay Az
         VECTOR  B  Bx By Bz
         FIND    C

Run 3 :  VECTOR  A  Ax Ay Az
         VECTOR  B  Bx By Bz
         VECTOR  C  Cx Cy Cz
         FIND    D

The first translation vector for the A subunit could be determined by the crystallographic Translation Function, except in P1 where the first translation vector can be chosen arbitrarily. Note that the translations need not be determined in the order shown; it may be easier to start by fixing one of the other subunits, and then determine the other translations in a different order.

To calculate a T1 function, both the subunit label and the number of the equivalent position must be specified in VECTOR (of which there may only be one) and FIND; for example:

VECTOR  A1  Ax Ay Az
FIND    B2

LABIN [String]

MTZ column label assignments.

If NONCRYST = 0 or omitted, the program labels are:


where FP, SIGFP = Fobs, sigma(Fobs)
FCn, PCn = Fcalc and phase of n'th asymmetric unit of model.

If NONCRYST > 0 the program labels are H K L FP SIGFP (Fobs, sigma(Fobs)), followed by NONCRYST*NUMGEP pairs of columns containing the partial Fcalc, phase contributions (NUMGEP = number of primitive g.e.p.'s).

For example, if NONCRYST = 4, NUMGEP = 2, the column labels would be:

       FCA1  PCA1  FCA2  PCA2  FCB1  PCB1  FCB2  PCB2
       FCC1  PCC1  FCC2  PCC2  FCD1  PCD1  FCD2  PCD2

i.e. the letters A,B,C,D refer to non-crystallographically related subunits and the numbers 1,2... refer to crystallographically related subunits.


The asymmetric unit of the crystallographic Translation Function

The Translation Function is always computed in space group P1, but in many cases the crystallographic T function has extra translational symmetry, due to the presence of equivalent origins in the space group, which reduces the size of the asymmetric unit which need be computed. These alternative origins arise either from rotational symmetry elements or from non-primitive lattice translations. The Translation Function never has rotational symmetry. However it should be approximately centrosymmetric about the solution vector, but since this is unknown, and therefore in a general position, this information cannot be used to reduce the size of the asymmetric unit.

In polar space groups, the translation vector for the crystallographic T function is limited to the plane perpendicular to the unique axis, so only one section need be calculated; also, all space groups have equivalent origins, which reduces the asymmetric unit of the Translation Function, e.g. in orthorhombic, these origin positions are at 0 and 1/2 in x, y and z, which reduces the asymmetric unit to 0 to 1/2 along each axis. The table below shows the asymmetric unit for each point group.

(b unique)
pg2:   y=0 section, 0 to 1/2 along x and z.
Orthorhombic pg222:   0 to 1/2 along x, y and z.
Trigonal pg3:   z=0 section, 0 to 1 along x and y.
pg312 and pg321:   0 to 1 along x and y, 0 to 1/2 along z.
Note that in trigonal point groups it is not possible to calculate just one asymmetric unit by applying limits parallel to the cell edges. Consequently the ranges suggested actually enclose 3 equivalent origins.
Tetragonal pg4:   z=0 section, 0 to 1 along x,
0 to 1/2 along y (or vice versa).
pg422:   x and y as for pg4, 0 to 1/2 along z.
Hexagonal pg6:   z=0 section, 0 to 1 along x and y.
pg622:   0 to 1 along x and y, 0 to 1/2 along z.
Cubic pg23/pg432:   0 to 1/2 along x, 0 to 1 along y and z
(or any other permutation).
In centred space groups, these asymmetric units may be reduced further. Note that although higher symmetry point groups have smaller asymmetric units (as a fraction of the unit cell) in the space group, they have larger asymmetric units in the Translation Function.

The asymmetric unit of the partial Translation Function

The partial Translation Function only has translational symmetry arising from the lattice-centring symmetry elements, so that for all primitive space groups regardless of the point group symmetry, a complete unit cell in P1 must be computed. For centred cells this can be reduced; for I-centred cells, for example, 1/2 a cell must be computed.

Combining the crystallographic and partial Translation Functions

If TFFC is used in the presence of non-crystallographic symmetry, it must be given the partial structure factors of all the subunits of known orientation, whether the translations of the subunits are known or not. The crystallographic and partial Translation Functions are then calculated separately; of course the partial T function cannot be calculated unless at least one translation vector has been determined using the crystallographic T function (or in the case of space group P1, the first vector can be fixed arbitrarily).

For a given subunit, the total Translation Function is simply the sum of crystallographic and partial contributions, and the program MAPSIG can be used to do this summation (a minimum function could be used, but I have not tried this). In practice I have not found it necessary to do this summation; manual inspection of the peak lists generated from the separate maps is usually all that is necessary.


Input files

Unit 5
The input control data.
The input reflection data in standard CCP4 format.

Output files

Unit 6
The line printer output.
The output reflection data in standard CCP4 format.

Reflection output file labels:


The A and B columns (real and imaginary components of the Fourier coefficient of the transform of the Translation Function) are used in a run of FFT in P1. The solution vector should appear as a single peak; the corresponding molecule is to be translated by this vector. The AO and BO columns are the transform of the Harada et al O (overlap) function.


The TFFC program is a merger of the Translation Function programs TFSGEN and TFPART, with the PART option added to select the appropriate code. The program consists of the following routines:

TFFC (main subprogram)
Dimensions a working array (not used when PART option is selected). Calls CCPFYP and TFMAIN.

Initialises file titles,flags for Harker section test, sums for scaling.

Calls GETINP to set up input data, calls GENPGT (for partial T1 function only), reads MTZ file first time for resolution range, reads MTZ file second time for scale factor sums, putting Fobs^2 and Fcalc^2 into bins of constant d*^3, calculates maximum indices and scale factors. For crystallographic T function dimensions a number of complex arrays (one for each Harker section) and calls TFSGEN. For partial T function calls TFPART.

Calls MTZINI, opens HKLIN reflection file. Calls PARSER to read control data and checks it. Sets up input labels and calls GRASSN to do input file assignments.

Makes input MTZ file assignments.

Generates point group multiplication table.

Calculates reflection multiplicity and symmetry weight factor epsilon.

Generates equivalent reflection.

Reads MTZ file third time, applies scales using spline interpolation (FSPLIN). Accumulates translation and overlap Fourier coefficients in arrays. This is necessary because the FFT input routines only use the last coefficients read in for a particular hkl (to avoid having to worry about reflection multiplicity). Calls GWOPEN to open output MTZ file HKLOUT and writes structure factors using routine PUTREF.

Cubic spline interpolation.

General purpose output file (HKLOUT) open for MTZ.

Writes a structure factor to HKLOUT, accumulating minimum, maximum and sum statistics for data columns.

Calls GWOPEN to open output MTZ file HKLOUT. Reads MTZ file third time, applies scales using spline interpolation (FSPLIN). Calculates translation and overlap Fourier coefficients and writes structure factors using routine PUTREF.


For large problems it may be necessary to increase the dimension of the large array A. If this is required, an appropriate message will be issued; change the array dimension in the first PARAMETER statement (NA), then re-compile and re-link.


Crystallographic Translation Function for structure with only crystallographic symmetry

tffc hklin tffc_inp hklout tffc_out << eof
TITL test TFFC  P6522 hex pepsin.
SPAC P6522
fft hklin tffc_out mapout tffc_out << eof
TITL T2 function for hex pepsin assuming P6522.
GRID 72 72 300
XYZL 0 1 0 1 0 .5
VF00 1000
mapsig mapin tffc_out  << eof

Crystallographic Translation Function in the presence of non-crystallographic symmetry or partial structure

tffc  hklin bbp_tf  hklout tffc_out  << eof
TITL  C222 Find subunit B1 using A1 known.
SPAC  C222
SHEL  150
VECT  A 0.491 0.224 -0.002
      FCA1=F1B1 PCA1=PC1B1 FCA2=F1B2 PCA2=PC1B2 -
      FCA3=F1B3 PCA3=PC1B3 FCA4=F1B4 PCA4=PC1B4 -
      FCB1=F2B1 PCB1=PC2B1 FCB2=F2B2 PCB2=PC2B2 -
      FCB3=F2B3 PCB3=PC2B3 FCB4=F2B4 PCB4=PC2B4
fft   hklin tffc_out  mapout tffc_out  << eof
TITL  C222 Find subunit B1 using A1 known.
VF00  1000
GRID  192 208 96
XYZL  0 .5  0 .5  0 .5
mapsig  mapin tffc_out  << eof

Partial Translation Function

tffc  hklin bbp_tf  hklout tffc_out  << eof
TITL  C222 Find subunit B1 using A1 known.
SPAC  C222
SHEL  150
VECT  A 0.491 0.224 -0.002
      FCA1=F1B1 PCA1=PC1B1 FCA2=F1B2 PCA2=PC1B2 -
      FCA3=F1B3 PCA3=PC1B3 FCA4=F1B4 PCA4=PC1B4 -
      FCB1=F2B1 PCB1=PC2B1 FCB2=F2B2 PCB2=PC2B2 -
      FCB3=F2B3 PCB3=PC2B3 FCB4=F2B4 PCB4=PC2B4
fft   hklin tffc_out  mapout tffc_out  << eof
TITL  C222 (T2):find translation vector for molecule 1B using 1A known
VF00  1000
GRID  192 208 96
XYZL  0 1 0 .5 0 1
mapsig  mapin tffc_out  << eof

Example to find second non-crystallographic translation symmetry

#!/bin/csh -f
#   Calculate Translation Function (TFFC),
#   Map (FFT) and find peaks (PEAKMAX)
#  goto FFT
#  goto PEAKMAX
#  goto PLUTO
tffc  hklin  ../mtz/i96v/cad_all2.mtz  
      hklout ../mtz/i96v/tf_all2.mtz  
             << eof
TITL Barnase finding B1, A1 known
SHEL 150
VECT A 0.690 0.865 0.000
LABI FP=iv96_F    SIGFP=iv96_SIGF -
     FCA1=FCP_A1   FCB1=FCP_B1     FCC1=FCP_C1   -
     FCA2=FCP_A2   FCB2=FCP_B2     FCC2=FCP_C2   -
     FCA3=FCP_A3   FCB3=FCP_B3     FCC3=FCP_C3   -
#   Make a map with FFT, find peaks with PEAKMAX
fft  hklin ../mtz/i96v/tf_all2.mtz  
     mapout map/  
     <<  eof
RESO 100 1
TITLE TF all for C from ALMN ---> TFFC
!SCALE Label Scale B-factor                      ! optional
!NOCHECKS                                        ! optional
!SYMMETRY 1         !space-group name or number  ! optional
!FFTSYMMETRY 1      !space-group name or number  ! optional
AXIS Z X Y          !Axis order fast, medium, slow
GRID 200 200 200    !nx ny nz 
VF000 0 145300
XYZLIM 0 1 0 1 0 1  !xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin
!BIAS bias [optional]
!EXCLUDE keyword1 value1 keyword2 value2 .
!PROJECTION                                      !optional
!RHOLIM rhomax [rhomin]                          !optional
peakmax  mapin map/  
         to    peaks/tf_all2.peaks 
         << eof
output peaks
threshold rms 3
numpeaks 20
npo mapin  map/ 
      plot   tf_all.plt 
      << eof
TITL Translation function, solution 2 from TFFC 
CONTRS 1 TO 6  BY .08
xplot84driver tf_all.plt


Ian Tickle, Birkbeck College.


amore, sfall, cad, fft, mapsig (1)


  1. Molecular Replacement, Proceedings of the Daresbury Study Weekend, (1985) DL/SCI/R23
  2. Molecular Replacement, Proceedings of the Daresbury Study Weekend, (1992) DL/SCI/R33