mlphare - maximum likelihood heavy atom refinement and phase calculation
mlphare hklin foo.mtz hklout foo_out.mtz
newparm [xyzout foo.brk]
[Keyworded input]
This program will refine heavy atom parameters and error estimates, then use these refined parameters to generate phase information. The maximum number of heavy atoms which may be refined is 130 over a maximum of 20 derivatives. The program was originally written for MIR, but may also be used for phasing from MAD data, where the different wavelengths are interpreted as different "derivatives".
Beware: This program is fundamentally different from the old PHARE, even though some of the code looks familiar. The incorporation of the concepts of Maximum Likelihood means that the refinement of parameters is much more robust, and the generation of phases and figures of merit is more realistic. See NOTES ON USAGE.
Note: heavy atom parameters can also be refined in vector-space using the program VECREF.
Ref: Z.Otwinowski: Daresbury Study Weekend proceedings, 1991
Keywords are divided into two sets.
These keywords control the calculation. Compulsory keywords are:
LABIN CYCLE or PHASE LABOUT - essential if you wish to output an HKLOUT file. END - to designate the end of input; if more than one derivative is described, the keyword DERIV designates the end of input for the previous derivative.
Optional keywords are:
In addition, the following optional keywords control the data harvesting functionality:
These are repeated once for each derivative.
Compulsory keywords are:
Optional keywords are:
<ncycle> sets the number of cycles that the program will run (default 10). The first (<ncycle>-1) cycles are used for refinement of the heavy atom parameters and the error estimates. The phases for ALL reflections in the file to the outer resolution limit are calculated on the final cycle. Statistics may be collected for both the final cycle of refinement, and the phasing cycle.
<kcycle1> <kcycle2> ... are flags for externally calculated phases and need only be set if you want to use these. In general the refinement procedure works out the likely weighting of all possible protein phases sampled round the phase circle and uses this information to do a phased refinement. Any particular derivative contribution will be controlled by the parameters on the DCYCLE input line.
If you want to input phases calculated elsewhere and use them in refinement
for some cycles, list these cycle numbers here. E.g.:
CYCLE 10 2 3 5 7 9
would mean that 10 cycles will be run, 9 for refinement and a final phasing
cycle, and that external phases would be used during refinement on cycles
2, 3, 5, 7 and 9. If these flags are set you must assign a column for PHIC,
and for either WC or FC. See NOTES ON PHIC for details of how these are
used. A contribution may be added to the phase likelihood calculated from
derivatives to favour the external phase or it may be used alone.
This keyword signals that you ONLY want to calculate phases and not to do any refinement. It is equivalent to CYCLE 1. The phases for ALL reflections in the file to the outer resolution limit are calculated.
Associates the column labels that the program expects with column labels in the input file. The following <program label>s can be assigned:
Then for each derivative (i=derivative number)
For externally calculated phases
F0 F1 .. Assignments for selected extra columns to be copied to the output file. NB F0, F1 etc should not be assigned if LABOUT ALLIN is also being used.
Assignments are required for FP, SIGFP, and at least one derivative (FPH1, SIGFPH1). The number of derivatives is deduced from the FPHi assignments.
If you wish to copy all columns from input to output file, specify ALLIN on the LABOUT line. If you wish to copy selected columns from input to output file, you may assign up to 19 columns, using F0 F1 ... F19
Associates column labels in the output file with labels used by the program.
Specifying ALLIN copies all input columns to output. NB if ALLIN is specified then LABIN F0=... F1=... etc should not be used.
The following extra labels can be assigned.
The following are copied from the input file if they have been assigned.
FC PHIC WC F0 F1 F2 F3 ..F11
If LABOUT is specified the program outputs a file assigned to HKLOUT containing at least H K L FP SIGFP PHIB FOM and other optional columns FOR ALL REFLECTIONS to the outer resolution cut off. IF LABOUT is NOT specified you get no output file.
For certain problems it is convenient to assign FP and FPHi to the same column.
<iangle> is the angle interval in degrees for calculation of the phase probability curve (default 10).
N.B.: The program speed is proportional to 360/<iangle>. ZO recommends <iangle>=20 except when the derivative has high phasing power, then <iangle>=10. EJD always uses <iangle>=10 - time is not so valuable...
The final overall scale and B values for each derivative are applied to FPHi, SIGFPHi, DPHi, SIGDPHi before these are written to HKLOUT. The default is to simply echo the columns which are input.
This restricts the program to use only centric reflections for refinement. This is sensible if you have enough centric data. In general there are many many more observations than heavy atom parameters to refine, and the coordinates and relative real occupancies can often be accurately refined from the centric data alone. You will however have to use acentric data to refine the anomalous occupancy. In that case, it is sensible to refine the coordinates and real occupancies against centric data first, and include acentric data in a second run.
<nskip> The program only uses every "Icycle+nskip-th" reflection for refinement. This saves a great deal of time. The reflection set changes with each cycle. The final phasing cycle uses all reflections.
If SIGFP is followed by a number <siglim> reflections are excluded if FP < siglim*SIGFP. Other EXCLUSION tests are given for each derivative in turn.
<i1> <i2>... give the derivative numbers for which you want FHi PHIHi [FHAi PHIHAi] output ready for double difference maps.
Causes output of Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients.
Default labels HLA HLB HLC HLD
The subsidiary keywords control the type of output. Default is to output statistics for the final cycle only. Refinement statistics only include reflections used for a REFINEMENT pass for that derivative. The final statistics will include information from all reflections. If you are only doing phasing, for instance after changing hand, no statistics are output.
Possible keywords are:
Keywords to control type of statistical analysis.
The " OLD WEIGHT ( W1)" is defined as: W1 = (Phase Prob of all phases) /(SIG(Fph)**2 + VCALC + IsoError**2(resn) ) where VCALC = SIGFP**2 *((FPSQ + FPA * FHA + FPB * FHB) / (FP * FPH))**2 FPA = FP * COS(PhiX) FHA = FH * COS(PhiH) FPB = FP * SIN(PhiX) FHB = FH * SIN(PhiH) The " NEW WEIGHT ( W2)" is defined as: W1 = Phase Prob /(SIG(Fph)**2 + SIG(Fp)**2)
There is some debate over which type of statistic is the most useful. EJD uses AVE and AVF. It is important to use only ONE option, otherwise you are swamped with information, and to stick to that option. To assess whether new sites are contributing EJD looks for a reduction in the Cullis R-factors as new sites are added. See NOTES ON USAGE for hints on using this information.
Overall resolution range for all refinement and phasing in Angstroms (or as 4sin(theta)**2/lambda**2 limits iff both are <1.0). If only one limit is given, it is the upper limit; otherwise the limits can be in either order. The default is to use the resolution from the MTZ file. Data for derivatives can each be limited by a further RESOLUTION keyword after the DERIVATIVE definitions.
Specifies the scale factor by which to multiply SIGFP. The default is <scale>=1.
These parameters allow you to modify large shifts in any parameter. If any parameter_shift exceeds <thr>*SD_parameter_shift then the shift is dampened by <acl>. The default is <ac1>=1, <thr> not set.
The specified title is written to the HKLOUT file. The default is the title from the MTZ file.
This will produce a unix script. One can then run MLPHARE again but with the refined heavy atom parameters in the ATOM, ISOERROR and ANOERROR cards. The other input cards will be the same as in the original script. However, the ATREF cards will allow refinement of all parameters in every cycle. The output script file is assigned to NEWPARM.
This will cause the program to output the refined coordinates of the heavy atom sites into the external file with logical name XYZOUT, in a pseudo-PDB format suitable for input into a viewing program e.g. RASMOL.
The file contains CRYST1 and SCALE cards, and the following data for each site appears on an ATOM record (from left-to-right):
Position in pseudo-PDB file | Quantity |
7-12 (Atom serial number) | Position of the site in the list |
13-14 (Chemical symbol) | Chemical symbol of heavy atom (supplied on ATOM keyword) |
23-26 (residue number) | Derivative number |
31-54 (angstrom orthogonal coordinates) | Refined X,Y,Z orthogonal coordinates of the site |
55-60 (occupancy) | Refined occupancy of the site |
61-66 (iso b-factor) | Refined isotropic B-factor |
Provided a Project Name and a Dataset Name are specified (either explicitly or from the MTZ file) and provided the NOHARVEST keyword is not given, the program will automatically produce a data harvesting file. This file will be written to
$HARVESTHOME/DepositFiles/<projectname>/ <datasetname>.mlphare
The environment variable $HARVESTHOME defaults to the user's home directory, but could be changed, for example, to a group project directory. When running the program through the CCP4 interface, the $HARVESTHOME variable defaults to the 'PROJECT' directory.
Project Name. In most cases, this will be inherited from the MTZ file.
Dataset Name. In most cases, this will be inherited from the MTZ file.
Set the directory permissions to '700', i.e. read/write/execute for the user only (default '755').
Write the deposit file to the current directory, rather than a subdirectory of $HARVESTHOME. This can be used to send deposit files from speculative runs to the local directory rather than the official project directory, or can be used when the program is being run on a machine without access to the directory $HARVESTHOME.
Maximum width of a row in the deposit file (default 80). <row_length> should be between 80 and 132 characters.
Do not write out a deposit file; default is to do so provided Project and Dataset names are available.
<title> is used to flag the output. Be informative! (Compulsory for each derivative assigned on the LABIN line.)
Subsidiary keywords PHASE, REFCYCLE, KBOVERALL control the use of this derivative. Default is NOT to use the derivative for PHASE, REFC and KBOV.
PHASE [ALL] or i1 i2 ... REFCYCLE [ALL] or j1 j2 ... KBOVERALL [ALL] or k1 k2 ...
Then the derivative is used for:
phasing on cycles i1 i2 ... refining on cycles j1 j2 ...
The overall scale and B are refined on cycles k1 k2 ...
(The word ALL means act on all cycles...)
(i=1,2...) followed by <scale> and <b> to apply to FPHi
and SIGFPHi as exp(-<b>*ss)/<scale>. The defaults are <scale>=1,
<b>=0 which should be sufficient if the data has been through FHSCAL
<scale> and <b> may subsequently be refined by the program,
see DCYCLE keyword.
<scale2> is used to further scale up SIGFPHi. Final SIGFPHi =
The default is <scale2>=1.
Specify resolution limits to use for this derivative (as above for the overall resolution).
Resolution range for use of anomalous data for this derivative (defaults to limits for isomorphous data).
Eight numbers giving the estimated isomorphous lack of closure error as a function of resolution. For initial refinements do not give these, and allow the program to evaluate them. If running a final phasing pass, take the values output at the end of the refinement cycle.
Eight numbers giving the estimated anomalous lack of closure error as a function of resolution. For initial refinements allow the program to evaluate these. For a final phasing pass, take the values output at the end of a refinement cycle.
One for each site (at least one site must be given for each derivative).
The isotropic B factor is approximated by 1/3(<b1>+<b4>+<b6>).
Following Willis and Pryor conventions, I think
b1 = k*beta11, b4 = k*beta22, b6=k*beta33 b2 = k*beta12, b3 = k*beta31, b5=k*beta23 where their temperature factor is expressed as: exp(-0.25( h**2 * (a*)**2 * beta11 + k**2 * (b*)**2 * beta22 + l**2 * (c*)**2 * beta33 + 2*k*l*(b*)*(c*)*beta23 + 2*l*h*(c*)*(a*) *beta31 + 2*h*k*(a*)*(b*) *beta12))
This means the Uij terms of an anisotropic temperature factor is equal to betai */(8*pi**2).
The keywords X or AX, Y or AY, Z or AZ, OCC, AOCC, B or AB flag which parameter should be refined. X Y Z mean refine coordinate to fit the isomorphous differences. AX AY AZ mean refine coordinates to fit the anomalous differences (only one of X or AX can be used). Similarly for B and AB. The keyword ALL means refine parameter on all cycles. Numbers <i1> <i2> etc. mean refine parameters on the numbered cycles only.
The keyword WAVE specifies the wavelength for this derivative. It allows the user to alter the default values of f' and f" for the heavy atom. Specify the f' (FPR) and f" (FDP) at this wavelength.
Example: WAVE 0.9000 FPR -1.622 FDP 3.285 WAVE 0.9795 FPR -8.198 FDP 2.058 WAVE 0.9809 FPR -6.203 FDP 3.663
Each DERIVATIVE set finishes with another DERIV card or END.
The input files are:
The output files are:
- Phase
- Figure of merit
- Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients if required
- [FHi PHIHi [ FHAi PHIHAi ] ]
- Two or four items per derivative if FHOUT requested.
Definitions of abbreviations:
See the EXAMPLES for detailed comments on heavy atom analysis.
This program refines heavy atoms without significant bias, and estimates figure of merits realistically. THIS MEANS THAT THE OUTPUT WILL PERFORM MUCH BETTER AFTER SOLVENT FLATTENING OR DENSITY MODIFICATION THAN BEFORE. Mlphare is NOT usually used to generate the phases for the map to be interpreted - it is giving you an INITIAL STARTING point for 'dm' or some other phase improvement procedure. Thus the reliability of the Figure of Merits is the most important information it gives.
It is sensible to refine heavy atoms occupancies first against the centric data, if you have some. This gives very similar answers to 3D data in a fraction of the time. It is possible to phase on some derivatives and refine others. In my experience this gives answers very close to the default procedure of including all parameters for both phasing and refinement.
It is sensible to exclude any suspect data from the heavy atom refinement. Using a sigma cutoff and values for DISO and DANO chosen using SCALEIT output reduced the standard deviation of parameters. Phases are calculated for all reflections to the outer resolution limit on the final cycle. The option to input external phases seems to work. But I am not sure of the theoretical correctness of this. There can't be much maximum likelihood going on. See NOTES ON PHIC - I think the relative weighting of the PHIC contribution is probably not very sensible. But it is really not necessary - there is so little evidence of bias in standard calculations I would never recommend using it here. (Of course externally obtained phases can be very helpful in doing difference Fourier to help you find the sites in the first place...)
For the best phasing you need to find all the significant sites in a derivative. After you have found and refined the first set of sites you can use a difference Fourier with these SIR phases to find other sites. However these maps will usually show confusing ghosting in the vicinity of the existing sites. Alternatively, you can use the procedure below which uses cross difference Fouriers to find sites in other derivatives. If you have several independent derivatives, one good procedure is to refine the heavy atom sites of the first, use the SIR phases from this one to do difference Fouriers for the second; check that sites found in the second derivative difference maps correspond to Patterson peaks. Repeat the procedure with the SIR phases from the second derivative and confirm these maps show the sites in the first derivative, and so on. HOWEVER many things can go wrong! The most troublesome is trying to decide whether the derivatives have common sites. The SIR phases usually generate ghost peaks and holes in the neighbourhood of the first site, which can be very confusing. And very often heavy atom sites sit on symmetry points, so the SIR phases are essentially centric, and maps phased with them contain peaks at both xyz AND -x,-y,-z...
The advantage of this cross difference Fourier approach is that your sites for a second derivative will be determined relative to the same origin as the first. Pattersons alone in P212121 can give solutions of either (x,y,z) + (n1/2,n2/2,n3/2) or (-x,-y,-z) + (n1/2,n2/2,n3/2) where n1,n2,n3 can be either 0, or 1; i.e. there are 16 possibilities to consider. It doesn't matter for the first site you choose but all others within that derivative and all others must follow the same convention.
Assuming you now have two derivatives consistent with each other, you can refine the anomalous occupancies of both beginning with AOCC = 0.00 and they should all become either positive, in which case you have chosen the right hand, or negative, so you need to use the enantiomorph if you wish to see right handed alpha helices. Note that FOM will not be able to distinguish between the enantiomorphs. You can visualise this by appreciating that changing hand generates phase circles which are mirrored through the line PHI=0 and therefore have the same quality crossings. One hand gives phases PHIB and the other phases -PHIB.
Another approach which is worth following in cases where you have anomalous
data (and there should not be any where you don't..) is the following:
Refine the single derivative heavy atom real occupancies (using centric
data if you have enough) then start refining the anomalous occupancies
(using all the data). You will need to start them all at some positive
value; otherwise they will stick at 0.0000. If the derivative and data
are OK all occupancies should stay with the same sign. You then need to
recalculate the phases with the other enantiomorph; here the FOM will be
the same, but the phases will not be just the mirror image of the first
set. Don't forget: Changing the enantiomorph requires changing the space-group
as well for some space-groups, e.g. P41/P43; P31/P32, P61/P65 P62/P64 and
variants. There is even an awful cubic one where you have to move the origin.
This requires you run mtzutils or cad to produce a new mtz file with a
different spacegroup defined in the header. Now you have two sets of SIRAS
phases, you choose between them by looking at maps. Difference Fouriers
for one enantiomorph SHOULD give clearer peaks than for the other. 'dm' output
for one set of phases should give better statistics than for the other.
BUT this distinction can be very marginal; if your anomalous occupancies
refine away towards 0.0 there will be no distinction of course.
Here are some specific notes on using mlphare to refine and phase from MAD data. This is simply a special case of MIR phasing, where now the real occupancies will be proportional to the f'(j) -f'(P), and the anomalous occupancies are proportional to f(j) . The FP assignment must be the same as one of the FPHi and that DERIVATIVE will have all real occupancies == 0.0 and these cannot be refined. The enantiomorph problem is now particularly serious; since all the FH vectors are parallel to each other, it is possible to reflect the phase circle diagram both about AlphaH ( equivalent to changing coordinates to the other hand) AND about the direction AlphaH +90 ( equivalent to getting the sign of the f'(j) -f'(P) reversed.) and in each case to get exactly the same Figures of Merit. Since the wavelength for each data set is known it is possible to get the signs of the real occupancies correct. Be careful!! It may be best to have as the 'native', the data set collected at the lowest f' wavelength so that all real occupancies should be positive, but if this data set is incomplete there may be a good reason to choose another.
Our procedure is summarised here:
Find anomalous scatterer sites ( Patterson? Shelx90?? However..) Refine real occupancies and XYZ using CENTRIC option for MLPHARE doing each pair of wave lengths independently. This is very quick - seems more accurate than using all data, and gives independent estimates of how good your f' estimates are. ( the ratios of f'(j)-f'(P) should be constant for all sites - they will NOT be on the absolute scale though..) Then we take those real occupancies and ISOE tables and hold them fixed while refining the anom occupancies ( you must remember to use ATREF AX ALL AY ALL AZ ALL etc if you want to refine any other parameter to make sure the anomalous differences are used) As I said push the occupancies towards the positive sign by a bit. Obviously it is bad if you get some positive and some negative, and again the ratio of the different occupancies should reflect the expected f'' values ( I am afraid they are never spot on for us - we can't be so good at staying on the inflection point..) This refinement with all the data will give sites and ANOEs, and these can be cut and pasted into a test where the x y z sign is reversed. THEN we do two things: look at maps - one map should have a clearer solvent boundary than the other, and run DM - and one hand should give marginally better statistics than the other. It works - providing the data is good enough, the anomalous scatterer is correctly positioned, and none of the other disasters which can occur have occurred!
A common one is: Starting X Y Z refinement with ALL occupancies zero. This means there are no sensible gradients for x y z and they can slide about.
In order to merge information about external phases with MIR phase information, an extra calculated phase probability contribution is calculated.
PROB(PHASEi)= PROB(PHASEi) + exp(-((FPAi-WC*FCA)**2 + (FPBi-WC*FCB)**2))/ ((FC*(1-WC))**2 + sigma(fnat)**2) FPAi = FP*cos(PHASEi) FPBi = FP*sin(PHASEi) FCA = FC*cos(PHIC) FCB = FC*sin(PHIC) if FC is not input, then FC equals FP if WC is not input WC = 1.
See examples.
The occupancies used by heavy atom refinement programs are on the same scale as FP, so if you haven't put your data on an absolute scale (and you can't without using high resolution data) the occupancies will not be absolute. E.g., if your FPs are 10 times absolute, your occupancies should be in the range 0 to 10. Because all your derivatives have to be on the same scale as FP, using relative occupancies will not affect the results in any way (except of course for the apparent non-physical meaning of occupancies >1!).
The printer output starts with details from the control data file followed by details of the input reflection data file and the header information written to the output reflection data file.
After each cycle the current error estimates and figure of merit are tabulated over the resolution range. The new parameters and their standard deviations are listed. N.B.: If an occupancy becomes near to 0.0 the coordinate shifts will possibly be meaningless.
Then for the last cycle of the refinement the following sections are output giving an extensive statistical analysis of the results of the refinement. This is repeated for the final phasing cycle, which may well involve more reflections.
For each compound the following sections are output:
<FOM> range or [ <4SSQ/LL> range Resolution (Angstroms) ] Number of reflections (acentrics) Average Phase difference (acentrics) Standard deviation of phase difference (acentrics) Number of reflections (centrics) Average Phase difference (centrics) Standard deviation of phase difference (centrics)
<4SSQ/LL> range Resolution (Angstroms) Number of reflections (acentrics) Mean or rms FP (acentrics) Mean or rms FPH (acentrics) Mean or rms calculated FH_real (acentrics) Mean or rms calculated FH_imag (acentrics) Number of reflections (centrics) Mean or rms FP (centrics) Mean or rms FPH (centrics) Mean or rms calculated FH_real (centrics)
<4SSQ/LL> range Resolution (Angstroms) Number of reflections (acentrics) Mean or rms isomorphous difference (acentrics) Mean or rms lack of closure (acentrics) Phasing power (acentrics) Cullis R factor (acentrics) Number of reflections (centrics) Mean or rms isomorphous difference (centrics) Mean or rms lack of closure (centrics) Phasing power (centrics) Cullis R factor (centrics)
<4SSQ/LL> range Resolution (Angstroms) Number of reflections (acentrics) Mean or rms anomalous difference (acentrics) Mean or rms calculated anomalous difference (acentrics) Mean or rms lack of closure (acentrics) Cullis R factor (acentrics)
<4SSQ/LL> range Resolution (Angstroms) Number of reflections (acentrics) Mean figure of merit (acentrics) Number of reflections (centrics) Mean figure of merit (centrics)
If the lack of closure is very bad and the phase is virtually undetermined, the following error message is output, and the program continues.
Reflection HKL: 0 4 1 has inconsistent phase likelihood, log Pmax= 0.13E+05
If there are problems in solving the matrix for the refinement of the heavy atom parameters then the following message may be printed and the program will stop. This often means occupancies have become 0.00. Trying to refine coordinates for a site at a special position can also give this error.
Note the comment above about errors during matrix solution when trying to refine coordinates for a site at a special position. In certain cases, this might not cause an error per se, but simply yield less-than-perfect occupancies etc. Check that the fixed parameters for the special position are NOT refined!
VECREF - vector-space refinement of heavy atom sites