Loggraph format for CCP4 - the format for tables and graphs as used in CCP4 log files
  2. Syntax of the Graph description in a log file
  3. Parsing algorithm for the table
  4. Syntax of the Text description in log file
  5. Syntax of the Key Text description in log file
  6. Syntax of Summary description


This document describes the formats recognised by the CCP4 programs loggraph and xloggraph, and the Jloggraph Java applet (see the libhtml documentation, where embedding loggraphs with HTML log files is described further).

2. Syntax of the Graph description in a log file

The following sections describe the syntax of TABLEs and GRAPHs.

$TABLE :table name:
$GRAPHS :graph1 name:graphtype:column_list: :graph2 name:graphtype:column_list:
        :graph 3 ...: ... $$
column1_name column2_name ... $$ any_characters $$ numbers $$


table name, graphN name
are arbitrary strings (without newline)
are arbitrary strings without tab, space, newline
for fully automatic scaling (e.g. ... :A:1,2,4,5:)
for automatic y coordinate scaling, where y lowest limit is 0 (e.g. ... :N:1,2,4,5:)
for user defined scaling where XMIN ... are axis limits (e.g. ... :0|100x-1|1:1,2,4,5:)
are treated as a comment. They can be eventually used as a human oriented table header
represents the table itself. (See parsing algorithm below)

Scatter Plots

loggraph can be directed to plot graphs as scatter plots (i.e. points only, not connected by lines) by substituting the keyword SCATTER for the GRAPHS keyword:

$TABLE :table name:
$SCATTER :graph1 name:graphtype:column_list: :graph2 name:graphtype:column_list:
        :graph 3 ...: ... $$
column1_name column2_name ... $$ any_characters $$ numbers $$

This functionality is not supported in either Xloggraph or Jloggraph.

3. Parsing algorithm for the table

The table values (numbers) are read in free format. This implies, that they MUST be separated by space(s) and/or tab(s) and/or newline(s). Parsing is performed on a logical line basis, where a logical line begins with a newline, followed by a number of values corresponding to the number of table columns, an optional comment (any characters) up to the next newline delimiter. The term `logical' is used, because this 'logical' line can consist of several `physical' lines, where newlines between values are treated as ordinary delimiters.

Loggraph parsing algorithm

Loggraph differs from Xloggraph and Jloggraph in that any table value which is not recognised as a numerical value is counted but is not read. This means it is possible to use non-numerical values as placeholders in tables, e.g.:

$TABLE: Example table from loggraph format documentation :
$GRAPHS:Example graph 1:A:1,4,5:  $$

    N Run.Rot      Value1       Value2    Value3
$$ $$
    1   1.1        343.50       1.1230    1.1044
    2   1.2        344.50       1.1632    *
    3   1.3        345.50       1.2099    1.1799
    4   1.4        346.50       1.2636    *
    5   1.5        347.50       1.3180    *
    6   1.6        348.50       1.3613    1.3061

Any non-numerical token can be used, however in practice the characters *, ? and . are most commonly used in CCP4.

4. Syntax of the Text description in log file

These tags are only recognised by Xloggraph and their use is deprecated.

$TEXT :text name: $$ junk (ignored) text $$any text characters$$

5. Syntax of the Key Text description in log file

These tags are only recognised by Xloggraph and their use is deprecated.

$KEYTEXT :text name: $$any text characters$$keyword_with_values$$
  any_characters        - are the descriptive text
  keyword_with_values   - is a keyworded format of data

6. Syntax of Summary description

These tags are only recognised by Xloggraph and their use is deprecated. Use the appropriate functions described in section 6 (Delimiting summary sections) in the libhtml documentation, to write summary tags which are recognised by CCP4i.

$SUMMARY :summary_name: $$ any characters $$
     :component_type:component_name: :component_type:component_name: ...$$
  component_type        - is `TEXT` either `KEYTEXT`
  component_name        - is its name

Due to the single-pass parsing all TEXTs and KEYTEXTs must be defined BEFORE the SUMMARY.


loggraph, xloggraph, libhtml