These routines (actually all entry points to one routine) simplify the work of decoding keyworded input that is of a decently regular, simple form (as it should be). They are a veneer on the PARSER and associated routines, hiding many of the gory details.
The idea is to call a routine (MEMOPARSE) to read a keyworded line into a hidden internal buffer and then have a simple chain of calls to a set of routines which check the appropriate keyword, look for any extra arguments associated with it, and set values in their arguments as appropriate. No IF ... THEN ... ELSE (or, much worse, assigned GOTO) is necessary, nor maintaining the parser arrays - the relevant checking is done internally. At the end of the checks, call PARSEDIAGNOSE to print any appropriate messages and loop back to MEMOPARSE if PARSEDIAGNOSE's argument is true (otherwise continue and process the data read in). You don't need to check for `END' or end-of-file.
Escape hatch: use PARSEKEYARG to get all the tokens after a random keyword and call e.g. PARSE (from parser) to deal with them as necessary. This approach is deprecated, however - go for simply-structured input.
real rval, cell(6) integer ival character*80 rest logical cont ... 10 call memoparse (.true.) ! setup and echo i/p call parseint ('IVAL', ival) ! ival.eq.3 after `IVAL 3' call parsecell (cell) ! assign cell from `CELL 20 30 40' etc. call parsekeyarg ('FRED', rest) ! get the full horror in REST call parse (rest, ....) <firkle with the `parse'd arrays> <more call parse>... ... call parsediagnose (cont) ! check if (cont) goto 10 <now do something useful with the results...>
The subroutines have been broken into three groups: core subroutines, subroutines for dealing with complex situations, and subroutines for dealing with standard keywords.
This group comprises the basic set of keyparser routines.
Routine and arguments | Purpose |
MemoParse(echo) | Call PARSER and stash the returned values away for later testing when the other entrypoints are called. If logical echo is .true. then echo input line to the standard output. |
ParseFail() | Internal routine? |
Parsediagnose(cont) | call at end of tests for possible 'Invalid keyword' diagnostic or abort if at EOF and had an error. Continue processing (no EOF) |
ParseKey(key,flag) | set logical flag to .true. if character key is matched. |
ParseKeyArg(key,rest) | if key is matched then character rest contains the rest of the line. |
ParseInt(key,ival) | if key is matched then integer value is returned in ival. |
ParseReal(key,rval) | if key is matched then real value is returned in rval. |
ParseNArgs(key,toks) | if key is matched then the number of tokens is returned in integer ntoks. |
ParseNInts(key,n,ivals) | if key is matched then up to n integers will be returned in array ivals, and n will be returned as the number of integers actually read from the input line. |
ParseNReals(key,n,rvals) | if key is matched then up to n reals will be returned in array rvals, and n will be returned as the number of reals actually read from the input line. |
This group includes routines to handle the more complex input structures used by many programs. By setting SUBKEY to a blank, mixed real, integer and character parameters may be read one-at-a-time from a line. By setting SUBKEY to some other value, subsidiary keywords and their arguments may be read. By setting FLAG false, keywords with a variable number or variable type arguments may be read.
Routine and arguments | Purpose |
ParseSubKey(key,subkey,flag) | if key and subkey are matched then flag will be set to .true. |
ParseSubKeyArg(key,subkey,nth,rest) | if key and subkey are matched then the rest of the input line from the nth position after the subkey is returned in character rest. |
ParseSubInt(key,subkey,nth,flag,ival) | if key and subkey are matched then the nth integer after the subkey is returned in ival. If logical flag is set to .true. then an error is returned if the value at the nth position is empty or is not an integer. |
ParseSubReal(key,subkey,nth,flag,rval) | if key and subkey are matched then the nth real after the subkey is returned in rval. If logical flag is set to .true. then an error is returned if the value at the nth position is empty or is not a real. |
ParseSubChar(key,subkey,nthmflag,rest) | if key and subkey are matched then the nth word after the subkey is returned in rest. If logical flag is set to .true. then an error is returned if there is no character or word at this position. |
This group of routines automatically handles a variety of standard keywords.
Routine and arguments | Purpose |
ParseCell(cell) | reads an input line of the form CELL a b c [ alpha beta gamma] and returns the cell parameters in the array cell. |
ParseSymm(spgnam,numsp,pgnam,nysm,nsymp,rsym) | reads an input line of
the form SYMM spacegroup_name | spacegroup_no | list_of_sym_ops and returns spacegroup name spgname, spacegroup number numsp, pointgroup name pgname, number of symmetry operations nsym, number of primitive symmetry operations nsymp, and the symmetry matrices rsym. |
ParseReso(resmin,resmax,smin,smax) | reads an input line of the form RESOLUTION resmin resmax |
ParseLabin(mtznum,prglab,nprglab) | reads an input LABIN line. |
ParseLabout(mtznum,prglab,nrprglab) | reads an input LABOUT line. |
At present keyparse only supports one atom selection command syntax, through a call to PARSEATOMSELECT. This will decode lines with the following type of atom selection commands:
<keyword> ATOM <inat0> [ [TO] <inat1> ] | RESIDUE [ ALL | ONS | CA ] [ CHAIN <chnam> ] <ires0> [ [TO] <ires1> ]
This is based on the syntax used in atom selection in DISTANG. For the purposes of decoding the selection commands the value of the preceding <keyword> is irrelevant.
The syntax described above is designed to allow selections such as:
... ATOM 1 TO 1000 ... ATOM 7 9 ... ATOM 10 ... RESIDUE 11 TO 22 ... RESIDUE 10 CHAIN A ... RESIDUE CHAIN S CA 12 19
The selection will specifies a range either of atom numbers or of residue numbers. In the latter case it can also optionally be used to specify a chain identifier (one character) and/or an ``atom type'' selection keyword:
ALL all types of atoms in the selected range ONS only oxygens and nitrogens in the selected range CA only carbon atoms in the in the selected range
The ordering of the RESIDUE subarguments is flexible, so that RESIDUE 1 TO 9 CA CHAIN B is the same as RESIDUE CA CHAIN B 1 TO 9 and so on.
Routine and arguments | Purpose |
ParseAtomSelect(key, inat0, inat1, ires0, ires1, chnam, imode) | reads an input line of the form <keyword> ATOM <inat0> [ [TO] <inat1> ] | RESIDUE [ ALL | ONS | CA ] [ CHAIN <chnam> ] <ires0> [ [TO] <ires1> ] If key is matched then returns a range of atom numbers (inat0, inat1), or a range of residue numbers (ires0, ires1) plus optionally:
subroutine memoparse (ECHO)
ECHO (input) LOGICAL Input will be echoed iff ECHO is .TRUE.Call this at the head of a loop over potential keywords to read a keyworded record, lex it and stash the tokens.
subroutine parsediagnose (CONT)
CONT (output) LOGICAL Set to .FALSE. if end-of-file or END keyword hasn't been reached, i.e. continue the loop over input records if CONT is .TRUE.Call this at the end of the loop over possible keywords. It will provide an 'Invalid keyword' diagnostic if no key- words have been matched or abort if CONT would be returned .FALSE. and there has been some input error (invalid key- word or bad argument).
subroutine parsekey (KEY, FLAG)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. FLAG (output) LOGICAL Updated (to .TRUE.) iff KEY is matched.
subroutine parseint (KEY, IVAL)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. IVAL (output) INTEGER Updated to contain the integer value of the second token in the record iff KEY is matched, there are only two tokens in the record and the second repre- sents an integer (according to PARSE). Otherwise if KEY is matched, an error message will be gener- ated.
subroutine parsereal (KEY, RVAL)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. RVAL (output) REAL Updated to contain the floating point value of the second token in the record iff KEY is matched, there are only two tokens in the record and the second represents a real number (according to PARSE). Otherwise if KEY is matched, an error mes- sage will be generated.
subroutine parsenints (KEY, N, IVALS)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. N (input/output) INTEGER On input: maximum number of integer values to read following KEY. On output, updated to the number of elements of IVALS which were updated. IVALS(N) (output) INTEGER If KEY is matched and followed only by a number (n) of integer values between 1 and the input value of N, then the first n elements of IVALS are updated with the values of the corresponding arguments. Otherwise an error message will be generated.
subroutine parsenreals (KEY, N, RVALS)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. N (input/output) INTEGER On input: maximum number of floating point values to read following KEY. On output, updated to the number of elements of RVALS which were updated. RVALS(N) (output) REAL If KEY is matched and followed only by a number (n) of floating point values between 1 and the input value of N, then the first n elements of RVALS are updated with the values of the corresponding argu- ments. Otherwise an error message will be gener- ated.
subroutine parsesubkey (KEY, SUBKEY, FLAG)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. SUBKEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Subsidiary keyword to match against the first four characters of any other token in the record. If SUBKEY is blank, the initial keyword is matched. FLAG (output) LOGICAL FLAG is set .true. iff KEY and SUBKEY are matched or KEY is matched and SUBKEY is blank. Otherwise FLAG is unchanged.
subroutine parsesubint (KEY, SUBKEY, NTH, FLAG, IVAL)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. SUBKEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Subsidiary keyword to match against the first four characters of any other token in the record. If SUBKEY is blank, the initial keyword is matched. NTH (input) INTEGER The number of positions after the keyword (and sub- keyword if present) of the token to be read as an integer. FLAG (input) LOGICAL If the keyword and sub-keyword are matched and FLAG is true then the absence of an integer value at the given position will cause an error. If FLAG is false, the absence of an integer value will cause no action to be taken. IVAL (output) INTEGER Updated to contain the real value of the NTH token after the keyword iff KEY and SUBKEY are matched, the NTH token after the sub-keyword exists and rep- resents an integer (according to PARSE).
subroutine parsesubreal (KEY, SUBKEY, NTH, FLAG, RVAL)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. SUBKEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Subsidiary keyword to match against the first four characters of any other token in the record. If SUBKEY is blank, the initial keyword is matched. NTH (input) INTEGER The number of positions after the keyword (and sub- keyword if present) of the token to be read as an real. FLAG (input) LOGICAL If the keyword and sub-keyword are matched and FLAG is true then the absence of a numeric value at the given position will cause an error. If FLAG is false, the absence of a numeric value will cause no action to be taken. RVAL (output) REAL Updated to contain the real value of the NTH token after the keyword iff KEY and SUBKEY are matched, the NTH token after the sub-keyword exists and rep- resents an number (according to PARSE).
subroutine parsesubchar (KEY, SUBKEY, NTH, FLAG, CVAL)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. SUBKEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Subsidiary keyword to match against the first four characters of any other token in the record. If SUBKEY is blank, the initial keyword is matched. NTH (input) INTEGER The number of positions after the keyword (and sub- keyword if present) of the token to be read as an integer. FLAG (input) LOGICAL If the keyword and sub-keyword are matched and FLAG is true then the absence of a non-numeric value at the given position will cause an error. If FLAG is false and there is a numeric expression at the given position, the character representation of the numeric expression is returned. If FLAG is false and there is no expression at the given position, no action is taken. CVAL (output) CHARACTER Updated to contain the real value of the NTH token after the keyword iff KEY and SUBKEY are matched, the NTH token after the sub-keyword exists.
subroutine parsecell (CELL)
CELL(6) (output) REAL Cell parameters.Updates the elements of CELL using RDCELL iff the keyword `CELL' is matched.
subroutine parsesymm (SPGNAM, NUMSGP, PGNAME, NSYM, NSYMP, RSYM)
The arguments correspond to those of the same name in PARSESYMM, which is called to update them iff the keyword `SYMM' is matched. NSYM, however, is input only, and set to 0 before calling RDSYMM.
subroutine parsereso (RESMIN, RESMAX, SMIN, SMAX)
The arguments correspond to those of the same name in RDRESO, which is called to update them iff the keyword `RESO' is matched.
subroutine parselabin(MINDX, LSPRGI, NLPRGI)
The arguments correspond to those of the same name in LKYIN, which is called to update them iff the keyword `LABI' is matched.
subroutine parselabout(MINDX, LSPRGO, NLPRGO)
The arguments correspond to those of the same name in LKY- OUT, which is called to update them iff the keyword `LABO' is matched.
subroutine parseatomselect(KEY, INAT0, INAT1, IRES0, IRES1, CHNAM, IMODE)
KEY (input) CHARACTER*(*) Keyword to match against first four characters of the first token in the keyworded record. INAT0 (output) INTEGER Lower limit of atom range, or -99 if unset INAT1 (output) INTEGER Upper limit of atom range, or -99 if unset IRES0 (output) INTEGER Lower limit of residue range, or -99 if unset IRES1 (output) INTEGER Upper limit of residue range, or -99 if unset CHNAM (output) CHARACTER*1 Chain identifier, or ' ' if not set IMODE (output) INTEGER Set atom type: 1 = ALL 2 = ONS 3 = CA