dna_output is a set of subroutines for writing XML output from CCP4 programs, to interact with the DNA scheduler. The form of the XML is very simple, with only four tags:
which may have an attribute for the name, another for the index. In addition there is room in there for the program name in the dna_tables element.
Here is an example of some program output which uses this:
character dna_filename*80 call ugtenv('DNA', dna_filename) if(dna_filename .ne. '') then call dna_start(dna_filename, 'scala') else call dna_set_no_output end if call dna_table_start('header_info') call dna_list_start('version_information') call dna_character_item('version', versn(1:lenstr(versn))) call dna_character_item('author', 'Phil Evans') call dna_character_item('date', vrdate(1:lenstr(vrdate))) call dna_list_end call dna_table_end call dna_end
This would obviously produce a very small XML output file, but it does demonstrate the principle. subroutines are named by the data type they are writing, for instance dna_real_item, dna_integer_item.
$CLIBS/dna_output.f $CLIBS/dna_header.f
Graeme Winter