coordconv xyzin xyzout foo_out.brk
[Keyworded input]
This program converts various coordinate formats. It reads cell dimensions and orthogonalises the coordinates.
The data control lines are identified by the following keywords. Only the first 4 letters of each keyword are necessary.
Defines the input coordinate format. The following options are supported:
1 0.46204 0.16203 0.02100 0.00000 0.49 16 1SE1 DER A1 7 0.22003 0.16304 0.10299 0.00000 0.49 16 2SE2 DER A1 Atno Xfrac Yfrac Zfrac Bfac Occ Atomno IresAtnamResnm ChnnamIS
in Fortran format (I5,4F10.5,F5.2,I5,I10,A4,1X,A4,A1,I2). Note that the trailing integer after Chnnam is only output in XPLOR/CNS format PDB files.
DERIV infl to rm DCYCLE PHASE ALL REFCYC ALL KBOV ALL RESO 14.76 1.56 SCALE FPH1 0.9898 -0.0708 ISOE 5.59 5.97 7.28 6.86 6.81 7.59 8.07 11.11 RESO ANO 14.76 1.56 ANOE 2.49 3.72 4.49 4.92 5.77 7.16 8.42 8.73 ATOM1 Ano -0.762 -0.141 -0.861 6.571 1.905 BFAC 12.603 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL AOCC ALL B ALL ATOM2 Ano -0.750 -0.313 -0.636 6.239 1.954 BFAC 12.981 ATREF X ALL Y ALL Z ALL OCC ALL AOCC ALL B ALL ATOM3 Ano -0.207 -0.376 -0.649 6.147 1.854 BFAC 12.216 Key Atnam Xfrac Yfrac Zfrac Occ ???? Bfac Or: GRID 44 50 64 CELL 47.4870 49.4897 64.5144 94.6264 109.6226 90.9455 ATOM Ano 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATOM Ano .471143 .315582 .197912 ATOM Ano .323707 .308963 .152872 ATOM Ano .257966 .781764 .924197 ATOM Ano 0.0145 0.3617 0.3200 ATOM Ano 0.8716 0.2215 0.9305 ATOM Ano 0.4021 0.7929 0.9775 ATOM Ano 0.3686 0.42450 0.1205
(3F10.0,F10.2,I5,I2)The peak height is assigned to the B-factor column, and the flag indicating whether the peak should be used is converted to an occupancy. The choice of input format corresponds to the format written by BnP, `The Buffalo and Pittsburgh Interface combining SnB and Phases' - see for more information.
The ORTH keyword must be followed by <ncode> - the orthogonalisation code. The default is orthogonalisation code 1. If the INPUT is a PDB file with CRYST1 and SCALEx cards, then the SCALEx matrices override the orthogonalisation code.
ncode = 1 - orthogonal axes are defined to have A parallel to XO CSTAR parallel to ZO ncode = 2 - orthogonal axes are defined to have B parallel to XO ASTAR parallel to ZO ncode = 3 - orthogonal axes are defined to have C parallel to XO BSTAR parallel to ZO ncode = 4 - orthogonal axes are defined to have HEX A+B parallel to XO CSTAR parallel to ZO ncode = 5 - orthogonal axes are defined to have ASTAR parallel to XO C parallel to ZO ncode = 6 - orthogonal axes are defined to have A parallel to XO BSTAR parallel to YO
Defines output coordinate format as above.
Cell dimensions in Angstroms and degrees. Angles default to 90. Compulsory unless the input file is a PDB file with CRYST1 card or an HA file with CELL specified.
Ends input.
XYZIN Input coordinates
XYZOUT Output coordinates
Originator : Eleanor Dodson, University of York
SHELXPRO - can be used to produce a .ins file for input to SHELX from a PDB format file.
pdbset - various manipulations of a PDB coordinate file.