program is the name of the CCP4 program being run. This documentation outlines the general concepts common to running most CCP4 programs. For specific details of how to run individual programs you are referred to the specific documentation for those programs.
The contents of this documentation are:
When running CCP4 programs, input and output data files are normally specified by associating the file names with the logical names. Logical names are alphanumeric, and can include underscores.
The usual format of a program invocation is
<program name> [ <logical name> <file name> ] ...
where "< >" indicates placeholders and "[ ]" indicates optional repeated items i.e. zero or more occurrences (here and elsewhere in the documentation).
A concrete example is
fft hklin native-Fs.mtz mapout
File extensions are optional and if omitted default values will be used. Some common logical names with default extensions are
HKLIN | input MTZ reflection file (.mtz) |
HLKOUT | output MTZ reflection file (.mtz) |
MAPIN | input map file (.map) |
MAPOUT | output map file (.map) |
XYZIN | input coordinate file (.pdb) |
XYZOUT | output coordinate file (.pdb) |
In some cases more than one file corresponding to the same type of entry in $CINCL/default.def is required e.g., several input reflection files. In this case they are typically specified as HKLINn, for instance, where n is a sequence number. The rules for matching logical names with the default specifications given above then apply to the prefix of the name which matches the entries in the files $CINCL/environ.def and $CINCL/default.def.
(For information on default.def and environ.def, see the section on details of logical name processing.)
Input files that do not exist are reported and the program stops processing. Output files that already exist will also cause the program to stop unless the environment variable CCP4_OPEN is set to `UNKNOWN', when they will be truncated to zero, overwritten and a warning message displayed.
Some file extensions are also treated as special cases and if you use them then you may experience unexpected behaviour - see the section on warnings.
Most CCP4 programs take `keyworded' input to set their parameters.
These have a leading keyword followed, possibly, by arguments which might be numbers or strings or keyword/value pairs of the form
Such arguments are separated by spaces, tabs, commas or `=' characters. The details of the input expected is given in the documentation for each program, however there are some general rules:
[The gory details in this section can be skipped by casual users.]
The programs normally read two initialisation files (held in the directory pointed to by environment variable CINCL):
The logical names actually correspond variables in the program's environment; the values defined in default.def don't override existing values of the environment variables corresponding to the relevant logical names, so defaults may be set by the shell's environment which a program inherits (e.g. with setenv in csh, or the Bourne shell assignment and export mechanism).
If a logical name hasn't been defined when a program tries to use it, e.g. by opening HKLIN, the name of the variable will be used as its value if it is meant to define a file.
These steps are performed by the CCP4 preprocessor functions CCPFYP and ccp4fyp (for Fortran and C programs respectively). For more information on these, see the documentation for CCPLIB.
f2mtz hklin xylose.hkl hklout xylose.mtz <<EOF SYMMETRY 152 LABOUT H K L F SIGF FreeRflag CTYPE H H H F Q X ... EOF
Alternatively, if the keywords are in the file keywords then it is possible to simply use:
f2mtz hklin xylose.hkl hklout xylose.mtz <keywords
See also the example scripts in the directory $CEXAM/unix/runnable.
Documentation for the program you want to run, via the index of programs.
If a file name ends in .lib, .bes , .prt or .dic and is not a full path name (i.e. with the full directory specified in front of the file name, such as ./ or /foo/bar.baz) then the environment variable $CLIBD will be prepended to the file name. This can cause files to be written in an unexpected directory.
A solution is to write (say) SYMOP ./my_symop.lib, or to use a different extension.
If a file name ends in .scr, and is not the full path name then the environment variable $CCP4_SCRATCH will be prepended to the file name. The extension scr will in all cases be replaced by the process number to give the file a (reasonably) distinct name.