STANDARD TEST RUNS FOR THE LAUE PROGRAMS ======================================== INTRODUCTION Some standard test data files are supplied to enable some basic testing of the Laue programs to be carried out (in $CCP4_MASTER/laue/testdata or on VMS CCP4_ROOT:[XTAL.LAUE.TESTDATA]). They may be used in two ways, either as test data sets just to check that the programs seem to be running OK or as part of a learning process about the programs. The data sets come from three sources: a) Proflavin hemisulphate (smallish molecule) - film (pf...) b) Tetragonal HEWL Lysozyme (protein) - image-plate (lys...) c) 4 Zinc Insulin (protein) - film (zn...) List of sections: Setting Up the Tests Some Notes on the Supplied Data Files LAUEGEN Tests NEWLAUE Tests GENLAUE Tests INTLAUE Tests INTLDM Tests AFSCALE Tests LSCALE Tests LAUENORM Tests LAUESCALE Tests DIFFLAUE Tests LAUEDIFF Tests UNSCRAM Tests DECONV Tests LCHK Tests INTANAL Tests SPOTIN Tests SETTING UP THE TESTS The user should set up a directory/sub-directory for performing the required tests. Apart from the film and image-plate image files, all other files required should be copied to the user's area from the supplied test data area. The command 'lget' has been set up to facilitate such copying. The command is followed by the names of one or more files which are to be copied (maximum of 8 names under VMS). These filename specifications may contain wild cards (will need to be enclosed in " " if under Unix). Some of the files used by the Laue programs are in machine dependent binary format and such files are supplied in ascii format and will be translated by the 'lget' command to the corrsponding binary files (more details below). e.g. (for testing the program Lauescale) lget lys_ls.ctl lys_ls.geasc lys_ls.mtzasc This will copy the three named files to the user's area and will translate the file lys_ls.geasc to lys_ls.ge1 and lys_ls.ge2 and also translate the file lys_ls.mtzasc to lys_ls.mtz. The film and image-plate files need not be copied but are handled as follows: Under Unix Soft links are made to the image files from the user's area. The files may then be referenced from the user's area as if they were present in that area. This may be accomplished by using the supplied command 'linkimages'. This will make links to all the available image files. Under VMS The logical name 'lfilm' has been set up to point to the directory containing the test data image files. This is used when accessing a required image file. e.g. lfilm:pf1a.dat SOME NOTES ON THE SUPPLIED DATA FILES 1) Film/Image-plate^images The images supplied are as follows: a) Proflavin: The 'a' and 'b' films of a 6 film pack pf1a.dat and pf1b.dat. b) Lysozyme: A single MAR image-plate image lys.i2 (lys_swap.i2) Note: For the image-plate data, the data items are unsigned two byte integers. Most Unix based machines are big-endian. For a little-endian Unix machine, the byte swapped image lys_swap.i2 should be used instead of lys.i2. (Under VMS, lys.i2 has the correct byte order for the VMS, being the opposite of that in lys.i2 supplied on a Unix system) 2) Laue.ge1/.ge2 files These are the files which contain the lists of the predicted reflections and store the integrated intensities. As used by the Laue program they are in a binary format. As such binary data is machine dependent, the files are supplied in an ascii format which needs to be translated to the required binary format using the supplied program 'exchge' with the option 'translate from ascii (f)'. If the supplied ascii files required for a test are copied to the user's directory using the supplied 'lget' command then the .geasc files will be automatically translated to the corresponding .ge1/.ge2 files. 3) MTZ files These are also files which contain binary data. Again they are supplied in an ascii format which needs to be converted to the binary MTZ format for use using the supplied program 'na4tomtz'. The program is run by typing the command 'laue na4tomtz'. If the supplied ascii files required for a test are copied to the user's directory using the supplied 'lget' command then the .mtzasc files will be automatically translated to the corresponding .mtz files. LAUEGEN TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_lg.ldm (pf_lg_vms.ldm for VMS), pf_lg.spots Test 2: lys_lg.ldm (lys_lg_vms.ldm for VMS), lys_lg.spots Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue lauegen' Log file: pf_lg.log Select input file name pf_lg(VMS: pf_lg_vms) Select Select cf the postscript file Select cf the postscript file Select Select Select Select input file name pf_lg8 spots should be read & marked cf the postscript file Select input limit of h**2+k**2+l**2 of 10 input spot position error of 0.5 should give 1 soln (PhiX -178.6, PhiY -2.3, PhiZ 44.9) Select Select predicted pattern should match image fairly well Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Use default replies & refine default para;meter list should give rms of .126 for 60+ spots (from .256) Select give file name of say lys_lgout use default replies thereafter Select Select Select The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_lg.log. NEWLAUE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_nl.gen, pf_nl.dmp Test 2: lys_nl.gen, lys_nl.dmp Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue newlaue' (Use default replies unless indicated) Select the default option DATG; input file pf_nl.gen Select option START Select option PLOT Select option AUTO no indices supplied h**2+k**2+l**2 limit = 10 input file of spots - pf_nl.dmp error in spot positions 0.5 mm refine the single solution reset with solution 1 and continue Select option START Select option PLOT Select option STOP The plots should give simulations as shown in the simulations supplied in the postscript files and respectively. Test 2 Run the program using the command 'laue newlaue' (Use default replies unless indicated) Select the default option DATG; input file lys_nl.gen Select option START Select option PLOT Select option AUTO no indices supplied h**2+k**2+l**2 limit = 15 input file of spots - lys_nl.dmp error in spots positions 0.75 mm refine 2'nd solution PX=94, PY=-15, PZ=-103 reset with this solution and continue Select option START Select option PLOT Select option STOP The plots should give simulations as shown in the simulations supplied in the postscript files and respectively. GENLAUE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_gl.gen, [pf1a.dat] Test 2: lys_gl.gen, [lys.i2 (lys_swap.i2)] Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue genlaue' (Use default replies unless otherwise indicated) Root name of .gen file is pf_gl Film data Set delta to 0.45 Choose nodal spot selection index of 4 Select refinement option with no file of matched spots (defaults) A film; film name ./pf1a.dat(VMS: lfilm:pf1a.dat) Do notmatch spots on threshold plot Spot diameter = 0.45 Box size = 0.45 Use all spots found (about 104) Do not refine cell but refine all other parameters using the default LSR method (defaults) rms deviation should be reduced from about 0.139 mm to about 0.068 mm. Do notre-run refinement immediately Write output files (Nodal index 12; Yes, happy with refinement; No, do not refine another film; root name for output files pf1; other replies are defaults) The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_gl.log. Test 2 Run the program using the command 'laue genlaue' (Use default replies unless otherwise indicated) Root name of .gen file is lys_gl Image-platedata Set delta to 0.6 Choose nodal spot selection index of 5 Select refinement option with no file of matched spots (defaults) Film file name ./lys.i2(or ./lys_swap.i2) ( VMS: lfilm:lys.i2) Do notmatch spots on threshold plot Spot diameter = 0.6 Box size = 0.6 Threshold above background for spot c_of_g = 100 Use all spots found (about 108) Do not refine cell but refine all other parameters using the default LSR method (defaults) rms deviation should be reduced from about 0.425 mm to about 0.125 mm. Do notre-run refinement immediately Write output files (Nodal index 12; Yes, happy with refinement; root name for output files lys; other replies are defaults) The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_gl.log. INTLAUE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_intl.ctl (VMS: pf_intl.ctlvax), pf_intl.gen, pf_intl.geasc, [pf1a.dat, pf1b.dat] Test 2: lys_intl.ctl (VMS: lys_intl.ctlvax), lys_intl.gen, lys_intl.geasc, [lys.i2 (lys_swap.i2)] Test 1 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii file pf_intl.geasc. This will be done automatically if pf_intl.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives pf_intl.ge1, pf_intl.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue intlaue' DATA file is pf_intl.ctl(VMS: pf_intl.ctlvax) Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_intl.log. Test 2 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii file lys_intl.geasc This will be done automatically if lys_intl.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives lys_intl.ge1, lys_intl.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue intlaue' DATA file is lys_intl.ctl(VMS: lys_intl.ctlvax) Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_intl.log. INTLDM TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: lys_ildm.ctl (VMS: lys_ildm.ctlvax) [lys.i2 (lys_swap.i2)] Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue intldm' DATA file is lys_ildm.ctl(VMS: lys_ildm.ctlvax) Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_ildm.log. AFSCALE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_af.geasc, Test 1 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii file pf_af.geasc This will be done automatically if pf_af.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives pf_af.ge1, pf_af.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue afscale' (Use default replies unless otherwise indicated) (At various stages (usually after a terminal bleep) press the carriage return key to continue) Root name of .gen file is pf_af Use Ix sigma limit of 20 Use Iy sigma limit of 20 Select option L Load option 3 Victoreen file Select option P Select option S Select option F Select option P Select option S Select option O Name for output file: pf_af.afout Select option E The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_af.log. LSCALE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: lys_lsc.ctl, lys_lsc1.geasc, lys_lsc2.geasc, lys_lsc3.geasc, lys_lsc.mtzasc Test 1 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii files lys_lsc1.geasc, lys_lsc2.geasc and lys_lsc3.geasc (to give lys_lsc1.ge1, lys_lsc1.ge2, lys_lsc2.ge1, lys_lsc2.ge2, lys_lsc3.ge1, lys_lsc3.ge2). This will be done automatically if the .geasc files are copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' to convert the .geasc files. Create the required .mtz file from the ascii file lys_lsc.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if lys_lsc.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue na4tomtz' (to give lys_lsc.mtz) Run the program using the command 'laue lscale' DATA: lys_lsc.ctl Run in interactive or background mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_lsc.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file lys_lsc.mtzout. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as lys_lsc.mtzd LAUENORM TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_ln.ctl, pf1_ln.afout, pf2_ln.afout, pf3_ln.afout Test 2: lys_ln.ctl, lys_ln.geasc Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue lauenorm' DATA: pf_ln.ctl LAUEHKL1: pf1_ln.afout LAUEHKL2: pf2_ln.afout LAUEHKL3: pf3_ln.afout LAUEHKL4: HKLOUT: pf_ln.mtz HKLMULT (optional): MULTDIAG (optional): Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_ln.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. pf_ln.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as pf_ln.mtzd. Test 2 Create the required .ge1 file from the ascii file lys_ln.geasc This will be done automatically if lys_ln.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives lys_ln.ge1, lys_ln.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue lauenorm' DATA: lys_ln.ctl LAUEHKL1: lys_ln.ge1 LAUEHKL2: HKLOUT: lys_ln.mtz HKLMULT (optional): lys_ln_mult.mtz MULTDIAG (optional): Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_ln.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. lys_ln.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as lys_ln.mtzd. Similarly for the deconvoluted multiples file e.g. lys_ln_mult.mtz, there is an example dump file lys_ln_mult.mtzd for comparison. LAUESCALE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_ls.ctl, pf_ls.afout, pf_ls.mtzasc Test 2: lys_ls.ctl, lys_ls.geasc, lys_ls.mtzasc Test 1 Create the required .mtz file from the ascii file pf_ls.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if pf_ls.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue na4tomtz' (gives pf_ls.mtz) Run the program using the command 'laue lauescale' DATA: pf_ls.ctl LAUEHKL: pf_ls.afout HKLIN: pf_ls.mtz HKLOUT1: pf_lsout.mtz HKLOUT2 (optional): SHELX (optional): DIAGNOSTICS FILE NAME (optional): Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_ls.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. pf_lsout.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as pf_lsout.mtzd. Test 2 Create the required .mtz file from the ascii file lys_ls.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if lys_ls.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue na4tomtz' (gives lys_ls.mtz) Create the required .ge1 file from the ascii file lys_ls.geasc. This will be done automatically if lys_ls.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives lys_ls.ge1, lys_ls.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue lauescale' DATA: lys_ls.ctl LAUEHKL: lys_ls.ge1 HKLIN: lys_ls.mtz HKLOUT1: lys_lsout.mtz HKLOUT2 (optional): SHELX (optional): DIAGNOSTICS FILE NAME (optional): Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file lys_ls.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. lys_lsout.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as lys_lsout.mtzd. DIFFLAUE TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: zn_dl.ctl, zn_dl.mtzasc, zn1_dl.geasc, zn2_dl.geasc Test 1 Create the required .mtz file from the ascii file zn_dl.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if zn_dl.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue na4tomtz' (gives zn_dl.mtz) Create the required .ge1 files from the ascii files zn1_dl.geasc and zn2_dl.geasc. This will be done automatically if zn1_dl.geasc and zn2_dl.geasc are copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives zn1_dl.ge1, (zn1_dl.ge2), zn2_dl.ge1, (zn2_dl.ge2)) Run the program using the command 'laue difflaue' DATA: zn_dl.ctl LAUEGE1: zn1_dl.ge1 LAUEGE2: zn2_dl.ge1 HKLIN: zn_dl.mtz HKLOUT: zn_dlout.mtz Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file zn_dl.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. zn_dlout.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as zn_dlout.mtzd. LAUEDIFF TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: zn_ld.ctl, zn_ld.mtzasc, zn1_ld.afout, zn2_ld.afout Test 1 Create the required .mtz file from the ascii file zn_ld.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if zn_ld.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue na4tomtz' (gives zn_ld.mtz) Run the program using the command 'laue lauediff' DATA: zn_ld.ctl LAUEHKL1: zn1_ld.afout LAUEHKL2: zn2_ld.afout HKLIN: zn_ld.mtz HKLOUT: zn_ldout.mtz Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file zn_ld.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. zn_ldout.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as zn_ldout.mtzd. UNSCRAM TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_unsc.geasc, Test 1 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii file pf_unsc.geasc. This will be done automatically if pf_unsc.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives pf_unsc.ge1, pf_unsc.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue unscram' (Use default replies unless otherwise indicated) Root name of .ge1/.ge2 file is pf_unsc Load option 3 Victoreen file Output 10~ spots to the log file Name for output file: pf_unsc.afout Class of spot to output: all The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_unsc.log. Also the output reflection data file e.g. pf_unsc.afout can be compared with the given output file pf_unsc.afout DECONV TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: zn_dc.ctl1, zn_dc.ctl2, zn_dc.ctl3, zn_dc.ctl4, zn_dc.ctl5, zn1_dc.geasc, zn2_dc.geasc,,, zn_dc.mtzasc Test 1 Create the required .ge1/.ge2 files from the ascii files zn1_dc.geasc and zn2_dc.geasc. This will be done automatically if they are copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives zn1_dc.ge1, zn1_dc.ge2, zn2_dc.ge1, zn2_dc.ge2). Also create the required .mtz file from the ascii file zn_dc.mtzasc. This will be done automatically if zn_dc.mtzasc is copied using the 'lget' command but otherwsie use 'laue na4tomtz' (gives zn_dc.mtz). Run the program sequence using the command 'laue deconv' Control Data for FFT: zn_dc.ctl1 Control Data for DECONV_MMOD: zn_dc.ctl2 Control Data for SFALL: zn_dc.ctl3 Control Data for DECONV_DCON: zn_dc.ctl4 Control Data for LAUENORM: zn_dc.ctl5 Singles Reflection Data: zn_dc.mtz Root Name of Laue Data1: zn1_dc Victoreen Coefficients File: Root Name of Laue Data2: zn2_dc Victoreen Coefficients File: Root Name of Laue Data3: Output Data (singles + multiples): zn_dcout.mtz Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file zn_dc.log. If required, the program mtzdump can be used to dump the contents of the created MTZ file e.g. zn_dcout.mtz. A log file of such a dump with the first 100 reflections is available for comparison as zn_dcout.mtzd. LCHK TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_lchk.dat Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue lchk' (Use default replies unless otherwise indicated) Select option DATG Name of input file is pf_lchk.dat Select option LOG Output to log file: ON Select option ROTATE Choose number of steps as 4and step size as 20.0 Analyse the overlaps... Row number 1 Row number 0(to terminate the option) Select option RESOL Select option STOP The output log file lchk.log can be compared with the example log file pf_lchk.log. INTANAL TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_ia.ctl, pf_ia.geasc Test 1 Create the required .ge1 file from the ascii file pf_ia.geasc. This will be done automatically if pf_ia.geasc is copied using the 'lget' command; otherwise use 'laue exchge' (gives pf_ia.ge1, pf_ia.ge2) Run the program using the command 'laue intanal' DATA: pf_ia.ctl LAUEHKL: pf_ia.ge1 Run in background (or batch) mode. The output log file can be compared with the example log file pf_ia.log. SPOTIN TESTS Prerequisites Test 1: pf_sp.gen, [pf1a.dat] Test 1 Run the program using the command 'laue spotin' The input file is pf_sp.gen Film file name is ./pf1a.dat(VMS: lfilm:pf1a.dat) Do notreplot an image When image has been displayed, position cursor to beam centre position and hit the space bar to enter the position. Then position the cursor on each of say 6 nodal spots (suggest using spots indicated in Laue simulation postscript file Enter 'e' followed by carriage return to complete spot input. Write spots to file pf_sp.out This spot dump file may be compared with the example file given as pf_sp.dmp. The exact spot positions may differ slightly from those in the reference file because the exact cursor positions may vary on different runs of the program.