GENLDM - MAKE LDM FILE FROM .GEN FILE ===================================== INTRODUCTION The program GENLDM is used to convert a .gen parameters file to a Laue Data Module (LDM) .ldm parameter data file. As the LDM file has more parameters than the .gen file, the resulting .ldm file should only be used as a starting point and should be carefully checked and modified as needed. The program was written by J.W. Campbell, Daresbury Laboratory. List of sections: Data Control Cards Input and Output Files Running the Program Notes Printer Output Error Messages Program Function References DATA CONTROL CARDS The program is run interactively with a question and answer sequence as follows: Name of input .gen file (default ext=.gen): The reply is the name of the .gen file to be converted. Name of output .ldm file (default ext=.ldm): The reply is the name of the output LDM (.ldm) file. INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES The input file is: a) A .gen parameters file (see GENLAUE program documentation for details). The output file is: a) A .ldm LDM parameters file. RUNNING THE PROGRAM Use the command 'laue genldm' NOTES None. PRINTER OUTPUT None. ERROR MESSAGES a) Unable to open the input .gen or output .ldm file. **Error** .gen file does not exist **Error** Unable to open output file b) Errors in .gen file data After most errors, a parameter value will be reset as indicated and the program will continue. **Error in orientation data record** **Syntax error in PhiX** **Syntax error in PhiY** **Syntax error in PhiZ** **Syntax error in wmin** **Non positive wmax reset to 2.5** **Syntax error in ctof** **Non positive ctof reset to 60.0** **Syntax error in dmin** **Non positive dmin reset to 1.5** **Syntax error in filmr** **Non positive filmr reset to 59.0** **Syntax error in spindle** **spindle reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in x_c** **x_c reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in y_c** **y_c reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in w_c** **w_c reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in twist** **twist reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in tilt** **tilt reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in bulge** **bulge reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in roff** **roff reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in toff** **toff reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in yscale** **Non positive yscale reset to 1.0** **Syntax error in xrej** **Negative xrej reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in yrej** **Negative yrej reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in nfid** **nfid set to nearest integer** **Invalid value for nfid reset to 0** **Syntax error in fidx1** **fidx1 reset to -5000.0** **fid_in_x1 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidy1** **fidy1 reset to -4000.0** **fidy1 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidx2** **fidx2 reset to -5000.0** **fidx2 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidy2** **fidy2 reset to 4000.0** **fidy2 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidx3** **fidx3 reset to 5000.0** **fidx3 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidy3** **fidy3 reset to 4000.0** **fidy3 reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in wfilm** **wfilm reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in fidbox** **fidbox reset to 5.0** **Non positive fidbox reset to 5.0** **Syntax error in n1od** **n1od reset to 128** **n1od set to nearest integer** **Syntax error in baseod** **baseod reset to 0.04** **Syntax error in g1od** **g1od reset to 2.3** **Syntax error in curv** **curv reset to 0.07** **Syntax error in nxrast** **nxrast reset to 2400** **nxrast set to nearest integer** **Syntax error in nyrast** **nyrast reset to 2400** **nyrast set to nearest integer** **Syntax error in dscal** **Syntax error in x_cen_in** **x_cen_in reset to 0.0** **Negative x_cen_in reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in y_cen_in** **y_cen_in reset to 0.0** **Negative y_cen_in reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in rastsiz** **rastsiz reset to 50.0** **Syntax error in xlow** **xlow reset to 0.0** **Negative xlow reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in xhigh** **xhigh reset to 0.0** **Negative xhigh reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in ylow** **ylow reset to 0.0** **Negative ylow reset to 0.0** **Syntax error in yhigh** **yhigh reset to 0.0** **Negative yhigh reset to 0.0** **Premature end-of-file found** **Reading of .gen file abandoned** PROGRAM FUNCTION The program GENLDM is used to convert a .gen parameters file (e.g. as used by programs such as GENLAUE or NEWLAUE) to a .ldm parameters file to be used with Laue programs based on The Laue Data Module (LDM). The conversion capability is necessarily limited as the Laue Data Module has more parameters than are defined in a .gen file. The program should therefore be used as a convenient first step in preparing an LDM file from a .gen file. REFERENCES None.